
Is there an easy way to play "Risk" the board game, with 2 people?

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My mom and I wanted to play the board game "Risk",but found it to be very complicated...

Is there an easier version then the one in the box?




  1. Feel free to make up your own rules, like "house rules" in Monopoly. Here are some suggestions: 1) Play two colors (armies) a piece and combine forces...this should speed up the game a bit. So, each army starts with a certain amount of units, shuffle and deal the cards, place a unit on each of the territories indicated on the cards, then reshuffle the deck and deal the cards according to the box rules. Then play as normal.

    2) You can re-roll tied dice to ensure someone wins or loses. This eliminates the "tie goes to the defender" rule, but territories are won and lost more quickly.

    3) If it is strictly ease-of-play and not speed which concerns you, simply divide the world as you see fit (which eliminates the opening shuffle and placing of units) and start off from there. Say, one side takes the western hemisphere versus the east. If you do this...allow extra units to the west  at the beginning to even the population advantage the East will get at the start.

    There are other notions I have heard. But always remember that it is supposed to be fun. If you both are good sports, it should be simple to come up with a system that works for you and to Heck with the 'established' rules of play.


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