
Is there an end to space? How would you know?

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Is there an end to space? How would you know?




  1. Nobody knows. There are several different theories about the shape of space, but no way to prove any of them.

  2. space goes on forever by time but the black holes appearing so often.

  3. no-one can prove that so too bad for you

  4. it would seem that assuming that space itself is limitless would be more farfetched nowdays

  5. Do you see an end? =) lol.

  6. There is indeed plenty of proof for the Big Bang Theory, such as the presence of the cosmic microwave background, the rate of expansion of the Universe, etc.

    Current theory about the Universe says that it is 'finite bu unbounded'. A sphere is a 2D example of this, as you can travel in any direction across one (like the Earth) in either a left/right or back/forth direction (or any combination of the two). It's a finite size, but there is no 'edge' to the surface of the Earth. You just go around until you come back to where you were.

    The Universe is like that, but in three dimensions: left/right, back/forth and up/down (again, in any combination of the three). A finite size (that expands) but in theory if you go in any direction, you would never encounter an 'edge', but return to where you started from .

    This is not a shape we normally encounter, but it's the best explanation for the facts we see in the sky.

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