
Is there an extraterristrial group that people don't know about?

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Most science fiction ends up becoming reality sooner or later, except there's a difference between a flying car and an ancient alien civilization. I wonder, is there a group that maybe some people know about and others don't? Some kind of MIB....

What are some good sites to learn about such "conspiracy theories", or about any of the mythology of such creatures, shared by many groups and cultures?




  1. no, there's no extraterristrial group they dont know because sometimes they are made up

  2. Try Pleadians or Tom Cruise's weird religion.

  3. that is correct(i mean,the technology we see in science fiction and even in cartoons turns out to be a useful tool)- Extraterrestrial life is life originating outside of the Earth. It is the subject of astrobiology,

    here is another link,

  4. You want to go to a site where people make up stuff about things and tell lies to everyone?

    (insert GOP joke here)

    Why?  It's a huge waste of your time and imagination.  You are better than that.  Write a book, or draw a webcomic.  Go volunteer to read to the elderly.

    In case you missed it... Aliens don't exist.  Nuh uh.  Not a one.  Roswell is just a town and Area 51 is a secret base where OF COURSE they don't want you there... cause its SECRET!  No aliens on ice, just next year's new jets.

  5. It's so aggervatin'...I can't get Coast to Coast. I know it comes on WOKV talk radio 690am where I live..from 1 to 5...but I can't get it to come in!!! Drat!! You're all listening and I can't...we could "communicate" with each other while we're listening at the same time!! That's not fair!How am I gonna be "informed"? Why don't ya'll tell us on here what they say on C to C?? Well, maybe if it's something I need to know it'll be on ET (Entertainment Tonight)

  6. Yes, but its so secret that if I told you... the MIB would have to kill you.

  7. If people don't know about them, what kind of answer to you expect to get?

  8. Wow ...there is a huge group of beings and you may have heard about them they are called

    ANGELS of GOD! They may have given you some very

    important information but hey I don't know for sure!

  9. Well, check out the Grays, the Reptilians and the Raelians for starters.  Those three cuckoo groups will keep you busy for a while.

    I would argue that most science fiction does not come true.  Much of the old stuff is nothing more than educated guesses based on the current trend of technology.  The whole alien angle is tied to that for dramatic effect.

  10. Flying cars... or transparent spheres where appear nice tall humans with blue hairs and bronze faces ...- do you talk about Atlantida?

  11. It is fun to think about, isn't it?

    Have you listend to Cost to Cost on the radio?

    John Lear is very interesting, you might enjoy reading about him:

    Check out his link on last night show on Cost to cost!

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