
Is there an eyedrop for my cat that I can get w/o going to the vet?

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My cat's one eye weeps, so I think he needs drops. Can I get them w/o going to the vet or do I need to take him to get drops? It doesn't look serious, as his eye isn't discolored or anything. I'm taking him for a yearly checkup in a few weeks, I just wondered if I could get some drops before then w/o having to go.




  1.  and go to pets

  2. He could have something in his eye or have a scratched cornea. It could also be the onset of conjunctivitis. You would be better off going to the vet. Homemade vetting almost always makes things worse and more expensive to treat in the end. I rescued some kittens last week who had various stages of conjunctivitis and some had even lost an eye or gone blind because of it. Don't skimp on vet care. These are the only eyes your cat will ever have.  

  3. Never use any medications on your pet without express directions from your vet.  There is no way to know what is going on with the eye without a vet exam.  Some conditions can be made worse, or even cause irreparable damage, if treated with the wrong medications.  

    Since he's due for his annual exam in a few weeks why not bring him in sooner?  That way the vet can exam the eye and correctly treat it.

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