
Is there an inherent superiority?

by  |  earlier

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in those with "blue blood?"

Are they really more important than you or I?




  1. No they are just the heritage that we substitute for a united culture in a multicultural society. That's why we have them.

  2. if you look at history a lot of the royal familys in the middle ages did alot of inbreeding becuase of the lack of a royal blood line - so ya i would say theirs something different about them just not superior.

  3. yes because their blood descended from those who have gained very important achievements like unifying a country, putting of a rebellion, and repelling an invading force while our ancestors would just have sat around and did nothing but to chuck wood and eat corn...

  4. No, in fact the limited gene pool means the opposite is true.

    Its a bit like a dog. Pedigree dogs are riddled with problems where as cross breads are normally in much better shape.

    Limited gene pool = weak and stupid.

  5. Are you joking?  Just in case you're not -- No, and No.

  6. nope. they dont have political power anymore

  7. No, they're not more important than anyone else, and yes, there is inherent superiority that comes with the territory for all of us.  Its old money and rank for "blue bloods" and its turfdom for others.

    Inherent superiority is not bad, gives one high self-esteem and confidence, which are traits lacking in so many people and people spend money to acquire them.  Its when the superiority is used against someone, belittling and unjust that it becomes a bad trait.  Otherwise, marrying within their walls was part of their mentality that was also their demise.

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