
Is there an insurance provider that offers insurance against 401 K asset value loss???

by Guest44907  |  earlier

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ALSO,,,, under workers compensation insurance, is injury on a lunch break outside the actual workplace also covered against liability???




  1. Yes, the best insurance I know of to insure against loss of funds in your 401K is to move all of you contributions to the guaranteed accumulation fund in your 401K. If your employer matches, or partially matches your contributions, you get the guaranteed interest on both.


    If you contribute 10% of your income, and your employer matches 3%, that's 30%, plus the interest, say 3%. Your making 33% on the contributions, and 3% annually on the total amount. Not a bad return.

  2. I don't think you can get insurance on any kind of open market investment

  3. Workers comp isn't a liability coverage.  When you're off premises, at lunch, you're on your own time - Workers Comp doesn't apply.  

    You can't "insure" against the stock market going down.  It's a foreseeable event.   If you're worried about the 401K values, put it in bonds or money markets.

  4. No, there is no insurance to protect against a decline in the value of 401(k) investments, however, if you know how to invest your money it shouldnt' be an issue.

    If you are really concerned you can usually "invest" your money in a Money Market Account (basically a checking account) which earns no interest or dividends, but that would kind of make having it pretty useless. You have to realize that you cannot earn money without risk.

    Once you retire and take your 401(k) balance you can purchase an annuity with it which means that market fluctuations will no longer have an impact.

    I doubt that Workers' Compensation Insurance would cover an injury that occurred off-site on the employee's own time.

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