
Is there an online Freemasons Member Search?

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My great-grandfather's pocket watch had a Freemason (or Masons) emblem engraved on one side. Is it possible to verify whether he was indeed a Freemason? (I'm finding nothing available through my Google searches, and am wondering if Freemason members might have access to a deceased member database?)

His name was Nels Sorenson Dahl, he was born in Norway and immigrated to the USA as a young adult. He lived in Watonwan County, Minnesota until his death in 1929.

Thanks for any help you can provide!





    One for you, friend.  If he was a Mason, they should have record of that, and normally will be of great help to you.  Even better if you can identify the exact town, or closest town where he may have belonged.

    The only alternative (if he was not) that the watch may have belonged to someone else.

    ps.. still planning on call/ etc

  2. It is a hard question to answer definitively. It is usually a matter left up to the individual Lodge or Grand Lodge whether or not old records are placed into public access databases. In general if they are put up for public access they will be at least 50 years old. Some exceptions exist if a Lodge closes it may have its records "released" sooner, but again, it varies.

    It is also possible that he became a Mason in Norway, so your search for records may lead you there, and again, different location-different rules and procedures.

    Masonic membership is not a secretive thing, but it is not always made public either, it is  a matter or right to privacy though, which is why some Lodges never make records public, and those that do wait so long.

    First thing I would do is do a web search for the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, write a letter to them explaining what you have here. Usually, they will be happy to help.

    If the watch indeed belonged to your Great Grandfather, and you are sure it is a Masonic symbol versus a labor union logo for a bricklayers (they can often be quite similar) then you can be pretty sure he was a Freemason, why else would he have it? But I understand your desire to have confirmation, and contacting the Grand Lodge there should -if not answer your question- give you some resources to continue your search.

    Good luck, and hope this helped.

  3. I'm not really sure (sorry) but I am sur ethat the Freemasons were... & are... very quite about what they do.  It's like fight club... the 1st rule of fightclub is that you do not talk about fight club.  I don't think they talk about it or anything.

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