
Is there an online site I can see US census reports for free?

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Is there an online site I can see US census reports for free?




  1. Hi, Betsy...

    Trust me on this one.. if there was a totally free site for all census reports.. SOMEONE here would know about it.  

    It is not out there.  Ancestry does have them all.  

    At the risk of sounding completely old and decrepit.. when I first started research, the source for census records was the local LDS family history center.  You rented the microfilm for a small fee, clumsily inserted the film into a reader, then sat and hand cranked your way through the film.  No index. You prayed that you picked the right film, and went home with a sore arm. Computers started being popular in the early 80s, and if you said "modem", people thought you were talking a foreign language. In a way, you were.

    Having info online is fantastic.  Ancestry or heritage quest are services that your local library may subscribe to, so you can use them there, but that means going to the library.

    Most of the regulars here subscribe, and if you post the name and approx date/ location, we do lookups on a reasonable basis.

  2. I have world deluxe membership to I can look up the census for you and email you with the image. I am unsure when the first US census was but here in the UK it was 1841, anything prior to that was deemed not suitable for genealogical studies.

    You can email me through my yahoo profile and I will see what I can find for you.

  3. The two kind people who answered this question before me have paid to use the only online site for census material that I have found. paid people to gather photograph the census material, they collated the material and made it searchable online.  They have done an excellent job.  They also feel that they ought to be reimbursed for the money they expended to do that work.

    So, the answer to your question is: No, there is no online site where you can see the US census reports for free.  The reports themselves are public records and there are many places where you can physically go to search them for free. Go to to find one of those places near you.  

    And thank the kind people from yahoo answers who are willing to help.

  4. Betsy,

    I will try to help you find the reports you are looking for. I found some but most have to do with genealogy .What years are you looking for, some start in the 1900's?

  5. The complete 1880 US Census is free online at the Mormon Family Search site:

    Your local library will have access to all the others for free from their computers. They either have a public use license for or HeritageQuest.

    Many of the GenWeb local sites have transcriptions of the films for free. You choose first the state, then the individual county to see what's available:

    Otherwise, your local library and your local Mormon Family History Center should have copies of the entirety of Censuses, both Federal and interim state censuses that were done between the Federal enumerations.

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