
Is there an organization who may help someone who is loosing everything which isn't that much?

by  |  earlier

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Need help please only serious people with a heart answer. My husband and are on disability and they have taken mine away cause he makes 60.00 to much. We were able to buy a home 3 yrs ago and it wasn't that much but make a long story short we are going to be on the streets and have no where to go literly. is anyone got any information to help me. i have 4 days of my internet left so if you email me i will tell you more plus i have a 31 mentally handicap son. My husband and i have workrd all our life and now the goverment wants to take what little bit of money we get away. it just isn't fair. This is America and my Congressman won't even talk to me. please answer with a kind heart. ty




  1. It would help others answer if you mentioned what city/state you live in.

  2. your church or any church will have the names of government supported groups that will help you..good luck .

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