
Is there an "Abominable Snowman" in Himalayas?

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Balony. Maybe in some movies. But like "Big Foot" alias "Sasquatch"...BAH HOMBUG! I doesn't exist. May as well believe you in Disney's "Peter Pan". Ridiculous beliefs deserve ridiculous comments. Feedback, please.




  1. No, well idont think so

  2. That's just silly. but i do like the idea of it , funny stuff.

    Anything can be true though , be careful he might come baging on your door.

  3. It Doesn't and thats Final!

  4. only a fool would think those mythological creatures, and don't start believing in the lockness monster, the tooth fairy, santa clause, the easter bunny, and UFO's, they're all dumb.

  5. i dont think so like the whole big foot thing Yea answer mines?;...

  6. nope not one in the Himalayas

    but there is one in my den and he wont leave!!!!!


  7. I Don't Think So, Not That I Know Of

  8. No retarted  

  9. Perhaps.

  10. The Abominable Snowman used to exist.

    However, he could never get a date with an Abominable Snowwoman.

    Thus, there were no Abominable Snowbabies.

    The species died out very quickly. It's a sad story.

  11. Hey that hurts my feelings saying that I don't exist just because I am hairier than you doesn't mean that you can make fun of me!!!!!!!

  12. what is the question here. it seems like you answered it yourself.

  13. lol i don't think that there is a sasquatch, but then again im the kind of person who needs proof to believe something like that.

  14. some ppl went up there and saw fuzzy footprints. its not normal. its not clear cause its hard to see up there. i think its real though

  15. ls this a question or are you answering yourself, l don't give a d**n whether you think there are these things or not.

    What feedback do you expect, yours isnt even asking for one. Hypocritical, ego compensating member you are. Whether there is or not l don't find myself at a loosing end by assuming there is a possible truth in that suspicion ,on the other hand l find denial of possibilities the act of the foolish. lt robs you of awareness, preparedness and most of all the ability to invent.

    Ask a real question, this is answers not some forum troll board.

  16. Although I may lean towards the "maybe not exist" side, I still keep an open mind though and it'd be super interesting if it does exist!

  17. maybe. but a lot of them are in new york and hollywood.

  18. yup that's where he hides out

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