
Is there an underline disorder that migraine can be a symptom for?

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I have been suffering migraines weekly(almost daily) for 7-8 years. I'm sick of it, and was wondering if there could be something else wrong. I've tried almost everything, preventative and taking something when I get one. The Imitrex works, but nothing is preventing them.

Can anyone help me?




  1. A person who has migraine should be aware of the following.

    1. If there is a change from the normal pattern should immediately inform a doctor.

        a. the pain is severe and abrupt like a thunder clap

        b. fever, stiff neck, mental confusion, seizures, double vision, weakness of a limb or one half of the body, difficulty in speaking

        c. Chronic headache worse after coughing, exertion , strain

    2, Those who are having Migraine with Aura are at risk of stroke, and this is increased if there is high blood pressure or if they are smoking.

    3. Migraine may be associated with an intracranial tumor and because the patient may ignore the symptoms the intra cranial tumor may be ignored.

    It is very important that if any change from the normal pattern occurs

    further investigations like CT scan, MRI have to be done.

    Migraine like symptoms can occur in other disorders but then the normal pattern that you are used to changes. The danger is that the change may pass unnoticed.

    Unlike classical migraine Migraine with Aura is a risk  for later stroke (see above)

    Since you have had 8 years of Migraine it is best to consult a doctor again and for purpose of gaining self confidence,  get the brain investigations done.

    I am a medical doctor

  2. you need to avoid cheese, pickles,  or anything that is fermented. drink ALOT more water, get a profressional body massage.  tumors can cause migraines as well. you may want to ask your dr to send you for an MRI

  3. When you get a migraine, there's virtually nothing that you can take to recover. You just have to let it run its course.

    You need to identify what the triggers are and avoid them, or at least be able to recognize when a migraine is likely to start and take medication before it grabs hold.

  4. Sometimes we get headaches when we need to have our eyes checked out.  Your vision could be the cause.

    Dental problems may also cause headaches.  As can jaw related problems - TMJ, grinding teeth during sleep...

    Caffiene, stress, eye strain....these can be triggers as well.

    It may be something like your thyroid is off (can check this by blood work) or could be more serious (cancer).  

    Communicate with your dr and dentist.  If you still feel something is not right, question it.  Ask to get another opinion.

    A search on google will bring up loads of websites related to any problems associated with migranes.  Only you know of any other symptoms that you can search that appear with migranes.

    Good luck.

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