
Is there an way to stop terrorist comming in India?

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basically i just want that our mother land to be plz forward ideas




  1. We need to a lesson or two in counter terrorism. After the 9/11 incident, there has been not even a single incident of terrorism. After the London bombing also, the British government has learnt its lesson. We need to be tough in enforcing our counter terror measures. The political parties and the leaders should arrive at a national consensus in tackling the menace. Leaders should stop issuing statements like Sushma Swaraj. Such leaders should be gagged. No question of appeasing the minorities. The law should be strengthened and new tough law with provisions for summary proceeding should be legislated. We need to enforce these measures like we are in a emergency. It is war and war like measures are a must.

  2. no, there is no way to stop terrorist

  3. 'Moral Education; only' !

  4. E-mail barack obama at

  5. Keep the Yanks  out.

  6. They are alreadyy here in abundance.

    Ask how to eliminate them

    Ask how our government provide us freedom from these Islamic terrorists

  7. terrorism has always been in India, and will always be there.

  8. Very simple. Our Ramayana teaches us how to tackle a rough neighbour state, and Mahabharat teaches us how to tackle internal enemies.

    So there is no derth of ways available to us. We only need a man at the helm of affairs with political will to do so.

    Even as it is, we are bearing the burnt of a war without having opportunity to inflict the damage on the erring parties. We shall go whole hog and inflict damages of unforgatable dimensions without bothering for the consequences.

  9. Terrorist are not coming from outsite india...but they are  native of india and they dont belong to only one community ... terrorism will never be stopped  until unless practice of double standard is stopped.....whenever there is any terrorist activity is done anywhere in the country...only one community is soft targetted and police starts interograting/ arresting  innocent people of a particular community ...the real accused  are  never  arrested & remain free with their high morales.... there are many groups and political leaders who have openly said to make Fidayeen attackers in their party and they are busy in disturbing peace & harmony in this country . they are destroying national properties in the name of so called nationalism......are they not to be suspected........why police never interogates them and raides  their places....?  

    The day our government becomes fair in their intentions terrorist activities will be stopped automatically.

  10. YES,there is a way to stop terrorism,not only in India but in every part of the world,stop participating in it

    the recent serial blasts in Bangalore were actually the work of local "citizens", at least at  ground zero level ,the people who have planted these bombs have to be local (i mean do you really think that osama bin laden or whoever else masterminded this is going to risk his own life in planting a bomb???)and one has to stay alert and report anything suspicious to the police also we must strengthen our military and other defense measures,and maybe if we did all of this,one day we could hope to get out of our house without being scared that some bomb might drop on us

  11. India is facing terrorism on multiple fronts and is facing the even greater threat of a nuclear showdown with Pakistan. Whether it be Islamic extremism (recently exhibited by members of the Islamic Holy War Movement in Ahmedabad, killing over 45) or Sikh separatist extremists or one of the many other fringe terrorist groups seeking independence here or there, India must take a much more severe stance against terrorism, while maintaining civil liberties.

    There are many things that need to be done to combat terrorism, this is a list from the White House and it is American-centric obviously, but the basic ideas on how to combat terrorism are the same, especially when it comes to Islamic terrorism.

  12. There are many steps to be taken to combat terrorism.

    Redress the genuine grievances.

    Improve the intelligence system.

    Educate the masses.

    Use strong counter terrorism techniques.

    Keep the politicians at bay.

  13. only one way they should not return dead or alive  

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