
Is there another ice age coming?

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Minnesota also hit record lows this year.

Will global warming extremists just admit Al Gore is full of it.

You can't control the earth, no matter how much you recycle.




  1. take a look at bobs link after the end of the first half of this year and I bet it wont look like that.

    But yeah, using a chart that shows warming in the last 100 years is pretty useless, considering we just came out of the event known as the little ice age.  It all has to do with the ocean currents, and how strong they are.

  2. Eventually, in thousands of years. Al Gore may be full of it - or not - I really don't care, he's nothing but a politician.

    Climate scientists aren't.

  3. Uhh, yeah, most of Global Warming is caused by our oceans... but we aren't headed into another Ice Age.

    Al Gore can be "concerned" everyone has the right to think for themselves, blind loyality is just uneducated.

  4. We are actually in an ice age.  We are in an interglacial period.  Our current ice age has glacial and interglacial periods at intervals of roughly 100,000 years.  It began to get cold 3,000,000 years or so ago perhaps as continents moved toward the north pole and island arc formed in Indonesia and the Isthmus of Panama altered ocean currents.  Note that Bob uses a chart that plots temperatures after 1880s.  The little ice age was from the 1400s to 1800s and therefore starting the temperature from a cold period is a way to exaggerate data.   The temperature only increased about a half degree Centigrade since then on that graph anyway so hardly seems as dire as Bob portends.

  5. Global warming is not a blowtorch that eliminates winter. It's a small but steady increase in AVERAGE temperature that will cause great damage if we do nothing.

    For a short time, in some places, winter weather can overcome global warming. But, long run, over the whole Earth, the AVERAGE temperature is increasing. NASA data:

    We need to do something about that.

    When a global warming denier cites Al Gore (who has nothing to do with the science) he's simply admitting he has no serious arguments.

  6. No.  It's simply Winter now.

    Think about it... how much would the one degree of warming so far affect Minnesota's winter weather, including fluctuations to temperatures of 40 below?  

    A few days or months of weather, in one location, say nothing about long term global climate trends, do they?

    You're asking about weather (local, short term variations), not climate, long term trends that determine what survives in your local ecosystem (including the food that you eat).

    As noted by NASA, NOAA, etc., Northern Hemisphere temperatures are temporarily being affected by a strong La Nina cooling cycle:

    The El Nino / La Nina cycles do temporarily overpower and mask the underlying gradual warming trend, but they do nothing to stop it.

    The progression in scientific understanding is explained in detail on this site:

    Impacts of Global Warming

    The Discovery of Global Warming

    The author Spencer R. Weart is Director of the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) in College Park, Maryland.  His own informed conclusions regarding global warming are posted here:

  7. We're in an ice age now, but all the ice is currently on the artic, antartic and on the top of mountains.

    Ice will cover the lands again in just a few thousand years time.

  8. Actually, climate change will be what causes an ice age. Kinda like that movie Day after tomorrow. Glaciers melted and mixed with warm air. I don't know i'm no scientist.

    but If thats the case, then we ignored the problem right up until the very end and beyond, happily. and then it's too late. no second chance

  9. yes   ice ages are a natural cycle in the planets life.

  10. There are words for people who don't know the difference between climate and weather. "Uneducated" being the most diplomatic. There are also words for people who express strong opinions about a subject and in the same breath demonstrate complete lack of knowledge about the subject, but alas it would violate yahoo guidelines to post them. You should avoid any further discussion about climate science, you're just embarrassing yourself.

  11. we have to get out of the ice age we are in before we can start another one.

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