
Is there another strength pain killer higher then tylenol and lower then hydrocodone i can take? ?

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Im going to the doctors and these hydrocodones make me sick but regular tylenol doesnt work on me?

what else can they do for me?




  1. Darvocet sometimes works.  Naprosyn works on muscular/ crampy pains best and is not a narcotic.  

  2. It is really hard to provide an answer, as you have not told us the cause of the pain.  While opiates may be used for general analgesia, as may tylenol or NSAIDS, each is best suited for certain types of pain.

    There are many medications used for the management of pain conditions, which work better or worse in different dosages.

    Also, you mentioned that the hydrocodone preparation made you sick, but did not mention, if you tried any methods to diminish the side effects.  After all, if Tylenol or ibuprofen or naprosyn do not relieve the pain, the choices which are generally used in the analgesic class are the opiates, all of which may cause nausea and vomiting in some patients.

    There are numerous non-opioid and opiate analgesics which are weaker than hydrocodone, however, the side effect is not necessarily a result of the strength of the medication, so this list may be unimportant.

    If you need a list you can look into these:


    Extra Strength Tylenol

    Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)

    Naproxen Sodium (Naprosyn, Aleve)




    Tylenol with Codeine

    Tramadol (Ultram)

    Hyrdocodone/APAP (Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco)

    The best advice, is to explain the issues to your health care provider, and let them prescribe a medication which meets your needs, and will control your condition.  Then if you have issues with the medication once it is prescribed, contact your prescriber or the pharmacist.

    When starting a new analgesic medication, it is often a good idea to try samples of the medication (if they are available) to see if the medication is effective, without significant side effects)

  3. There is Tylenol 3 and Darvocet as well as anti-inflammatory medications (alleve, Ibuproferin 800mg, etc).

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