
Is there any Big Lie by this Administration that Cheney is not involved in?

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Cheney's Office Pushed Purge

Of Climate Change Testimony


July 8, 2008 2:41 p.m.

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Vice President d**k Cheney's office was behind a push to censor congressional testimony that global warming poses a danger to the public, a former Environmental Protection Agency official told Congress.

The director of the Centers for Disease Control testified to a U.S. Senate panel last year about the public health effects of climate change in testimony that was heavily edited by the White House's Office of Management and Budget. Until now, Mr. Cheney's office hadn't been publicly linked to the efforts to keep information about climate change out of the public eye.




  1. There is no way to know how much hoodwinking of American people that d**k Cheney has been involved in.This administration has been the most secretive in my memory.I suspect that Cheney has been involved in all and the author of most of the shenanigans that have been going on for the last seven and a half years.

    Amazing how many brainwashed conservatives have responded to this question to defend the man.

  2. Good for him.

    Man made climate change is a big hoax, and Cheney tried to keep it out of the CDC.  Good for him.  Let the CDC work on real health hazards, and no pay lip service to the Climate change idiocy.

  3. cheney is trying to do the public a HUGE favor.  to censor useless demagougery of the liberals from the gerneral public is a GREAT IDEA...especially when the subject is so overblown like global warming...i see nothing wrong here...GOOD FOR HIM!

  4. You liberals are always so eager to listen to anything telling you "The sky is falling". Show me anything proving global warming is true. I can show you proof there is global cooling, but you won't believe it. Don't believe everything you are told by the liberal left. They just want you under their thumb, and I think they they have achieved their goal.

  5. As far as I can see Cheney is doing the right thing. There is no information I have seen that states Global warming is an immediate danger to the public. Having a FORMER EPA offical say so is premature.

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