
Is there any Dream life superstar cheats?

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  1. i read somewhere that under the boutique 'Dream Heels' is a sign and u click on that to go to the hangout but there is no sign D: 

  2. 1.heyy i know a few if u get 5 smilyfaces to a friend and u see : whats new? click that and she will be like i got a extra shirt do u want it and click yes and u have a free pretty shirt (u can only do this once)

    2. mall hangout i cant seem to get this to work but theres a thing that looks like a bathroom sigh in the mall and if u click it it goes to a secert mall hangout but it doesnt work so yeaa

    3. money get the highest job for money and u get rich easily

    4. may people dont know how to get this but to become a star u need to do an activty and complete it and it will say STAR CHANCE some person saw your great moves do u want to become a star yes or no!!! easy thats all i know

  3. i have tried all these things and they dont work so dont listen to this person

  4. If u want to become famous, when u first start go to the amusment park and click on the fortune teller. He will probaly tell u that fame and fortune is in ur future. when he does that, go to a friend and talk to them. click on lets do something then choices will appear. Select movie theater, down town, shopping, ect. Do NOT click on "lets make a cake or go on a picnic". When u r at ur destination, it will say U have a job or something. click yes and u will be a STAR!!!


  5. If u want to become famous, when u first start go to the amusment park and click on the fortune teller. He will probaly tell u that fame and fortune is in ur future. when he does that, go to a friend and talk to them. click on lets do something then choices will appear. Select movie theater, down town, shopping, ect. Do NOT click on "lets make a cake or go on a picnic". When u r at ur destination, it will say U have a job or something. click yes and u will be a STAR!!!


  6. does anyone know what to do when you cant find a friend..for instance michael is always at the pool, then all of the sudden, he is no where to be found!

  7. If you want to live in the Heights, go through the summer quickly, then when you pick where you want to live, it'll be an option.

  8. Talk to your friends.  And look for when they say :so...what's new:then put yes. And the it will say fantastic

  9. yes there is one i know talk to  boy go to a friend talk to a friend and click whats new your friend will say do u have a cursh on _ click yes go to the boy  and hearts will com

  10. how do you get married?or have childeren?

  11. how do you get married?

  12. you can get a cell phone early by playing the claw games on the beach and carnival.

  13. how do you get a boyfriend           just asking

  14. i want to know how to become a superstar because i was one until my game got deleted darn it

  15. i do not know thats what i was wondering

  16. Yes but sadly i don't know how to do any of them i have been trying but no luck does anyone know what the cheats are? or how to get to the "mall hangout" do i need to unlock something or something

  17. there are plenty
    there many all over the place


    buy a house phone to call your friends

    buy things to decorate your room

    do chores to earn money and cool perks like being able to cell phones and  do mp3's

    scroll down on all actives menu's to see the full list

    scroll down in the closet to see the full body

    talk to boys and then talk to a friend, then click "whats new?" and the will say " do you have a crush on ________" and in order for him to be your crush say yes

    talk to friends and sometimes you can say "what's new?" and they will say " i have a spare room item or i have an extra shirt" and you say "FABTASTIC" to keep it.

    i am not sure this one works but if you want you can try to click the sign under funkie footwear or whatever in the mall and it will be a special hangout or if that doesnt work to the sign for jobs and that will have the hangout.

    you just have to look real good and dont play the game in a rush.

    your welcome!!!!!!!

  18. i dont no does any 1 no how 2 use the cell phone?????????

  19. yes there is. dont listen to that other person.

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