
Is there any FREE tutoring programs for Kindergarten students in the State of Georgia?

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My 5 year old has just started Kindergarten. Georgia only allow 20 children per public school into the Pre-K program and my daughter was NOT one of the children chosen. I didn't have the money to pay for her to attend a Pre-K program so I TIRED to teach her at home which did not work. I am concerned about her being able to understand what is being taught in school. I know it's too early to evaluate her learning abilities in school but if it's anything like at home, I know my child will be lost and very far behind in school. I'm already getting stressed and depressed with trying to help her with her homework because she's not understanding any of it. It took four years for her to learn most of her alphabets and some numbers and she still don't know them all. I don't know if she has a learning problem or a memory problem. She's 5 years old but is on the learning level of maybe a 3 year old-so I say.

I wanted to know if there's any free tutoring programs like Sylvan Learning Center for Kindergartners in the state of Georgia so that she can get more help?




  1. A child that is in kindergarden does not need tutoring. The child is too young to need a tutor.

  2. It's so wonderful that you are so caring about your child's readiness for kindergarten!!  Way to go!

    Check with your local Salvation Army- they may be linked to churches that offer free tutoring.  Perhaps you could put into Google- "free tutoring" in your area.  Also, if you are near a college or know any high school students ask around or put an ad in the newspaper.  Many kids will do it for free or for very little money.  Keep up the good work!

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