
Is there any GPS satellite over Egypt?

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Is there any GPS satellite over Egypt?




  1. GPS satellites are always moving. The device you use works by measuring how fast the satellites are moving toward or away from you. They're over the whole planet. You can always see at least eight of them from anywhere.

  2. GPS covers every square inch of the Earth.

  3. There are 24 GPS satellites evenly spaced around the globe.

  4. GPS satellites don't stay over any particular area. There are 32 satellites orbiting the earth every 12 hours at a height of 20,000 km, so the satellites above any point on earth are constantly changing. There can be as many as 12 satellites above the horizon at the same time.

  5. Even if there isn't, one isn't neccessary to obtain GPS readings. Neighbouring satellites are able to give just as accurate of a reading :)

  6. GPS satellites arent in geosyncronous orbit

    they move over different areas of the earth continuously

    I believe they are in 12 hr orbits, not 24.

  7. theres hundreds of satellites over earth. probably yes. =)

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