
Is there any accounts of extra-terrestial culture on another planets.?

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im talking about intelligent culture not little bacteria or cells




  1. Not unless you believe that the picture taken of the planet Mars actually shows a structure that resembles a human-like face.  The people at NASA want us to believe it's just a trick of the light.  I tend to agree with them on this one.

  2. Sure, just put that into your search engine and start reading.

  3. No, there are no documented accounts of extra-terrestrial culture - in the sense of cities, technology, artifacts, etc - existing on other planets.  Mind you, it's not like mankind has actually sent probes to many of them!

    There may be alien life existing in distant galaxies, but we're nowhere near being able to explore these yet.  

  4. There are currently lots of theories of how life may exist on other planets, but not any evidence, and there's certainly no evidence of culture. The most suggestive clue found thus far, I think, is of purportedly martian debris found on earth which may show evidence of microbial life. That's really about it, unless you believe in flying saucers and alien abduction.

  5. The ancient Sumerians believed that their gods came from a place beyond space known as Nibiru.

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