
Is there any advantage to using E85 (besides the environment), is it more efficient, cheaper?

by Guest60312  |  earlier

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Is there any advantage to using E85 (besides the environment), is it more efficient, cheaper?




  1. First, E85 will increase the price of food.  And gasoline increases the price of everything.  Rising oil prices are the number one cause of inflation, bar none.  Now, to answer your question here the advantages of E85:

    1. Made in the USA, not Saudi Arabia

    2. Helps our economy

    3. Helps our farmers

    4. Gives us cleaner air

    5. Reduces the trade deficit

    6. Is better for your engine--it burns cleaner and cooler than gasoline, leaving fewer deposits in your engine.

    7. Is renewable

    8. Reduces the amount of money to Muslim countries that want to blow us up.

    9. Is non carcinogenic

    10. is Non-Toxic

    11. No more oil spills in the ocean.

    12. New ethanol plants create American jobs

    13. Gives you more horsepower than gasoline

    14. Is priced 35% cheaper than gasoline

    Gasoline is carcinogenic, toxic, non-renewable, foreign, expensive, and unclean.

    Ethanol is non-carcinogenic, renewable, American-made, cheap, and clean burning.

  2. When you get down to calculating MPG vs COST,  it is not much cheaper or efficient.  

    Add into that,  the hidden cost of prices of other things going UP as a result of more and more corn being diverted into fuel.    Getting 20 mpg @ $2.50 a gallon may seem like a savings,  until you go buy that $8 box of corn flakes.

  3. There's a huge gap from waste to product in the production of ethanol. First of all, it takes about 100 gallons of water to produce one gallon of ethanol. Second, growing the corn that produces ethanol puts an enormous strain on the soil from which it grows. It seems as if a company like Monsanto can benefit greatly from the production of ethanol because they can genetically modify corn to produce enormous amounts of corn to produce ethanol, however, genetically modified organisms (GMO's) have a lot more cons than pros, and can somtimes result in toxic contamination of the soil, or the GMO's can infect corn grown for consumption; this happened in Canada with wheat and Monsanto sued the farmer, for copywrite infringment, who was unknowingly growing the genetically modified wheat in his field. Such a strain on the Earth can severly modify the land, and poison the water table underneath the soil.

    To me ethanol just switches the problem from fossil fuels to corn. It also suggests that people need a company to provide fuel for them when in fact people, individual people, can produce their own energy with solar panels and wind turbines, just to name a few alternatives.

  4. E85 gets about 25% lower milage and costs about 23% more to use, even though it's slightly less expensive, and only reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emmissions by 0.5%.

    The real pollutants, not global warmth scam gasses, are greatly reduced.  If you can afford to use it, it would be helpful to the environment.

    The problem that the rest of us have is that the expense of using E85 will not stop at the cost of the fuel.  Food prices will greatly increase because of the high cost of corn.

    Also, corn cannot be piped across the country to distilleries the way oil can be to refineries.  The trucks, hauling this c**p across the country will probably not be counted in the environmental tabulations concerning E85.  

    That would be negative.  No negativity allowed.  The pope of Environmentalism has spoken.

  5. Even if all the land in America was producing corn it wouldn't be enough to power all those SUV's we just have to drive at 100 mph.

  6. E85 has higher octane level than normal fuel.. This makes your car more efficient and it's cheaper than normal fuel..

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