
Is there any all natural remedies to get rid of sinuses, runny noses, stuffy noses and excess nostril mucus?

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Yes today I have got a runny nose and I have been through two boxes of three ply of facial tissues.




  1. ginger tea is a good option for runny nose. voletile oils from ginger and some other phytoconstituents act as broncho constrictor which decrease mucus and give relief from runny nose

  2. If you try Islamic medicine (which I do) you will get rid of runne noses rather quickly and more over build good immune system.

    Black seed oil - is the cure of almost all deseases.

    Few drops of black seed oil (mixed in equal proportion with olive oil) into your nose 4 times a day - it is an immediate relief, and drink one tea spoon every day of pure black seed oil for 3 months.

  3. Neti Pot - they cost about $15 and work wonders!  I know people who had serious sinus problems and now they are gone...all because they cleanse regularly!

  4. Saline rinses work when for me when I am very congested.  Most people use a special little container (shaped like a very small watering can).  You could use anything clean and sterile.  Slightly warm the water and add a dash of salt to it.  Inhale or pour it into your nostril and tip your head back.  You're done when you taste the liquid (sorry, it's gross but it works).  Feel better!

  5. Are you sure you are not suffering from allergies?

  6. Yes! you can eat anything spicy like a Jalepeno (excuse the mark over the top,lol) and the spicy ness will cause your nose to run and will clear out your sinuses. You can also try steam and smelling vapor rub or applying a hot rag on your sinuses

  7. I have yet to find any as yet. I use OTC Alavert-D Have to sign my life away at the Pharmacy Counter, however, it's worth it to keep my allergies in check.

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