
Is there any alternative for chemotherapy for carcinoma of stomach after surgery has been done.?

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Is there any alternative for chemotherapy for carcinoma of stomach after surgery has been done.?




  1. Look, you'll get some idiot quacks recommending whatever daft crystal/ homeopathic/ spiritual/ acupuncture "remedy" is fashionable at the moment. They will tell you that their fashionable treatment can cure everything, that it's all a conspiracy, that evidence doesn't count and that proof doesn't matter.

    These people don't care about you, all they care about is promoting quackery.

    Listen to them and you will die.

    Speak to your medical doctors and no-one else.

  2. Radiotherapy by itself or as an adjunct to the chemo.

  3. Quick point on conventional therapies (as a reply to David G).  Most of their survival statistics are measured in 5 year survival rates.  Interestingly, most people who get conventional treatment tend to have a dramatically diminished quality of life after their treatment, and then die about 5-8 years after conventional treatments.  This essentially occurs because the conventional treatments don't deal with any of the underlying causes which made tumor manifest, never succeed in completely killing off the tumor cells, and destroy the body's immune system, so that when the tumor comes back the body is unable to hold it in check and dies (which normally takes a bit over 5 years).  As a result, the cancer statistics are incredibly deceptive, and essentially use fraudulent science to promote their conclusions.

    From all the data I've seen, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (the latter actually directly turns cells cancerous), actually are worse than placebo for the patient.  Surgery is better, but it's only effective if done early.  Considering that you pay over 100,000 for the whole procedure and you die faster while suffering, it's a pretty bad deal ain't it?

    As far as alternative methods, I've seen a lot.  Some of them I think are either c**p, or not that effective (ie. they increase your survival rate by 5% a piece), and some of them I simply don't have enough direct experience with.

    That said, these are the approaches which I have seen produce amazing results repeatedly.

    a) Rife machines (assuming they are built correctly, which is a big if).

    b) Orgone accumulators (these are very hard to get ahold of)

    c) Dragon and Tiger Chi Gung.

    I've also seen these ones work quite well, but the effects were not as dramatic and I have less personal experience with them (although I think they're still valid enough to look into).

    a) stop eating refined sugar (and procssed foods if possible)

    b) going with a, if you can, ideally adopt the gerson protocol.

    c) (this relates to the first two), do something to shift your ph to being alkaline (either drink alkalinized water, or eat lots of fresh vegatables and abstain from processed foods...key parts of gerson's diet).

    d) Look into oxygenation therapy, intravenous injections of hydrogen peroxide tend to be the best, followed by ozone injections, following by drinking a few drops a day of food grade H2O2.  The first 2 are better, but they require finding a REAL doctor who's does the practice.  I've seen some people be helped a lot by drinking the peroxide too though.

    Some of the other alt med stuff might work, but I honestly can's actually vouch for it out of experience (and sadly although there is a big lockdown to keep working treatments off the market, not all the alt med people are out there for any reason except to make a quick bug).

    Hope that helps.  If you'd like any more information or resources on the matter I'd be happy to provide them to you!

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