
Is there any alternative treatment to avoid liver transplant?

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I am suffering from lover cirrhosis and potral hypertension.After a couple of episodes of vomiting blood the doctor is advising a transplant.If there were any alternative therapy in ayurveda or any other system of medicine kindly send me the details.




  1. Despite what some people have said - not all complementary therapists do not know what they are talking about.

    I would however advise you in your situation to stick with what your doctor is telling you.

    Of course you do not have to do that. It's your life...

  2. Unfortunately, from your brief description, there is no alternative .

    Cirrhosis means that the functional cells of your liver (hepatocytes) have been replaced by scar tissue, most commonly from exposure to toxins like alcohol, or infections like Hepatitis C.  

    When the liver is a big mass of scars, then the blood that normally passes through it via the portal vein, is shunted to other smaller veins that surround the stomach and esophagus.  They are too small to handle this amount of blood, swell up and will bleed.

    Please don't take any advice on this very serious, life threatening condition from the Alties...they don't know what they are talking about.  

  3. Its unlikely you will get much joy from alternatives if your Liver is too far gone.

    Although the Liver has enourmous capacity to regenerate it isn't infinate.

    If  a liver  has got to the stage of Cirrhosis it will continue to have compromised function and may not detriorate any further. If it deteriorates further it gets to the to the point of life threatening sooner or later.

    Liver transplants aren't easy and spare Livers aren't easy to come by. its unlikely this would have been recomended unless your situation is very serious because unlike hip replacements you cant just pick a prosthetic replacement off the shelf.

    While you are on the waiting list you may want to try some alternatives but do some careful research if you do. In the unlikely event you show massive improvement while waiting you can discuss your option with the surgeon.

  4. While continuing under the monitoring of your doctor, since you have time even if you opt for a transplant, homeopathy can be quite effective depending on how far your cirrhosis has progressed. Minimally, homeopathy can help with ongoing symptoms and prepare your body to be in its best condition if a transplant remains justified. lists homeopaths in all professions certified to practice classical homeopathy in North America. http://www.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.o... is a good website to learn more about homeopathy.

    In my own practice, I've helped a number of people reverse the condition. When irreversible, homeopathy has stopped its progression. Homeopathy approaches healing from a number of directions, in addition to helping your liver.

    I would imagine ayurveda similarly offers hope, as would acupuncture (any comprehensive standalone field). Best wishes.

  5. Ayurveda does not have Intensive care units and Emergency treatments

  6. Milk thistleis excellent for the liver and can even help to reverse cirrhosis. My fiance's friend cured himself of hepatitis C with milk thistle as well.

  7. If your condition has reached the point of transplant, there is no alternative.  

    Alternative medicine can offer a lot of help in a lot of situations, but there are no miracle cures available just by drinking the right tea or doing the right yoga routine.

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