
Is there any asian adoption center here in texas?

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i need to adopt an asian girl




  1. Try ringing up your local council. :)

  2. Your only needs are for oxygen, water, shelter and food.  An Asian baby is not a fashion accesory you can make Mommy and Daddy buy for you.  Human beings are not made to order.

  3. Unless English is a second language, you really need to stop and take stock of your reasons for "needing" and "having to have" an Asian girl.

    Sounds kind of twisted.

    And, what are you doing, looking around for a kid to adopt, shouldn't this be your parents' responsibility?  If they can't handle the responsibility of even finding an agency, then how in the heck can they handle going through an adoption and raising another human being?

    This won't be a little "China doll", she will be a real, living, breathing HUMAN BEING with very real needs.  

    Maybe you could pack up all your belongings, move to China, and see how fun it would be...then you might understand how life is like for these trans-racial adoptees.  It's not fun and cute, it's a LIFE ALTERING EXPERIENCE.

  4. Is your family Asian? What ethnicity? If that is why you want to adopt an Asian child, then it is understandable, though why the child "needs" to be a girl I don't understand.

    There are very few Asian heritage children available for adoption in the USA. Only about 5 % of the US population is Asian, and most families are very tight-knit. If there is a problem for the parents to raise their child, then family members almost always will raise them. There are also very few children of Asian heritage in the foster care system. So if you are Asian American, then you should try to go through your church or local community organizations of your ethnicity.

    So probably that leaves international adoption, which would mean China, Korea, Vietnam, or India (if you consider that "Asia"). This is expensive (about $20 - $30 thousand) and involves a ton of paperwork. And all of these countries have some ethical considerations.

    And in the end it comes down to why your family is considering adoption. As others have pointed out, it is a little odd that you feel you need to ask this question here. Usually it is parents that make decisions about adding another child to the family -- and that do the research also. Certainly your parents will have to go through a lot to be approved as an adoptive family -- and you can't do this for them so you can have a sister.

    It is sweet that you want a sister so badly, but in real life it might not turn out like you think it will. She would be a real person, not a doll, and certainly not an obedient "China Doll." She would not do what you said -- believe me, my sister never did! An adopted sibling would be at least as likely to have fights with you as a sibling born to your family -- and possibly moreso.

    I don't know how old you are, but maybe you could help at Big Sisters/Big Brothers, or help out a Brownie troup? Or tutor kids at your local school or library? That way you could help smaller kids and they would look up to you -- and then you could go home and not have to worry about them getting into your stuff!

  5. You "need" to, or you "wish" to?

    As the mother of two girls adopted in Asia, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this phrasing, particularly given the limited info you've provided other than this.

    Tell us a little more please.

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