
Is there any bigotry among the R&S regulars?

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or it's a myth?

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  1. I think a lot of bigotry starts when the words "no God" are expressed in exactly this form...

  2. My Dearet Jaci,

    Of course there is. Religion is the creator, host and nutrient of bigotry.

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Emperor.

  3. I am sure there is, but I really don't pay attention to it, more into the Q/A

  4. I refuse to point out any group such as the Christians.


  5. Of course there is.  With any cross section of people there will be represented of every thought process and actions if the survey is large enough.  

  6. What do you think? We're all frail, vulnerable humans here.

  7. hi, you must be new here.

    Of course there is bigotry here, it's pretty much what this site was founded on

  8. Someone is definitely bigoted towards cats.How could anyone thumbs down me?I'm so freaking cute!!

  9. I'm bigoted against liars, but that is just me.

  10. Absolutely.

    There are plenty of regulars who are intolerant of certain beliefs, opinions, or lifestyles (the definition of bigotry).

    I've seen it in questions, answers, I've received incredibly nasty emails just for being Wiccan, from other Wiccans about opinions I hold about Wicca, for defending different groups, and then I don't even want to talk about the things I got in my inbox when I had JPA on my name.  

  11. I guess it depends on what you mean by bigotry.

    If religious bigotry includes insisting that other people's religions are wrong, and claiming that there's "only one true god" and all the other religions worship "false gods" or "idols" or "demons" -- and if it includes trying to push your god in other people's faces over and over and over and over and over and over again ad nauseum, and trying to get everyone to follow your religion instead of the one they prefer to follow...

    Well, then, yeah. There is a LOT of that kind of bigotry going on here.


    ADD, to King's Kid, below:

    Yeah, I don't think you understood the question. Since this is a forum on religion and spirituality, the question was most likely asking about *religious* bigotry, not racial bigotry.

    Religious bigotry is when you insist that your religion is better than all the other religions. Just as racial bigotry is when you insist that your race is better than all the other races. Simple, yes?


  12. Based on report and violation notices yes. We are evolving into an over  sensitive society when it comes to nationalities, religion, s*x and everyday life. Politicians are especially bad and when it rears its ugly head on R&S it is especially sad. I can tolerate the "goof offs" with there inane questions, but when you answer with your own ideas without malice and then get a violation notice, it is shameful.

  13. Oh indeed there is - tons of it- !!

    I have no thoughts to share as of this moment.  Hot gnats buzzing around in my brain.  Way too much going on here today!

  14. I  myself am a bigoted despicable character, but the others I don't know how much bigotry among them in general.

  15. The hate here is terrible. I sincerely hope it's not the world and just some R&S thing

  16. Never.  We're all so pure we don't even have to go to the bathroom

  17. I think most are just sick of viewing the same questions. And tired of RE-Answering them.

  18. There is a chance that there is; and if it is true, those people should not be answering these questions.

  19. Yes.  I see evidence of bigotry on most sides.  Bigotry is based on misinformation, hate, and other negative non-intellectual emotional and social sickness, and is linked directly to pride.  That is why you will never come across a bigot who is likeable or completely civilised.  In the case of Christians, they make poor examples of those who should 'love one another.'

  20. Of course!  Bigotry is an integral part of many, if not most, religions.  Best examples: Christianity and Islam.  Intolerance is their back-bone.  Lucky for them, those of us who find religion a ridiculous and silly mythology are not only in favor of tolerance (including religious tolerance), but are usually the ones advocating it.  They only "advocate tolerance" of their own religion, in conjunction with bigotry toward all others.  In R&S this is most often manifested as a persecution complex where they feel that any criticism is de facto intolerance.  Their hypocrisies extend to many levels and know no bounds.  

  21. I havent ever seen any...Well ok, maybe a little....I have only been block by a 20 or 30 people....

    I dont block anyone. I think it is ridiculous to ask opinionated questions, then block people from giving their opinion.

  22. I could give you a list of people who have blocked me, and it's many of the regulars.  Is this bigotry?

    I just block them back.  Not that it does anything.  But it keeps me from clicking on their questions accidentally.

  23. Yeah Fireball. Unchanging and unchangeable, as a dog returns to its vomit!

  24. With ME...

    I once was both a Racist and a Bigot.

    But, thanks to Prison, I learned to hate every other Human EQUALLY.

  25. I'm not sure I understand the question. Do you mean are we bigoted towards black people? Or toward each other? Or do you mean do we have any bigotry in us at all?

    Let me start this off right by saying that since "God is no respector of persons" that we shouldn't be either. We should not have bigotry against anyone.

    Now that doesn't mean that if a black man is wrong in his beliefs that we would be a bigot if we pointed it out. That's just not the case. I will point out the wrongness of being a Jehovah's Witness to a black JW just as quick as I would point out the sins of homosexuality to a g*y person. We are not resector of persons but we still point out the sin.

    Finally, I just explained that I don't believe most Christians on R&S are bigots but you didn't specify Christian or non so let me say this about the non-Christian.

    I believe there is a high number orf "non's" that ARE bigots when it comes to blacks. Sorry but I see it all the time. And on the flip side I see many black "nons" who are prejudiced towards whites.

    Now gimme 10 points.

  26. I try very hard to rise above it; but I know there's a little bit of bigotry ingrained in me from my own childhood.  When I see a white woman whose kid has nappy hair and dark complexion, I spend about a second-and-a-half guessing the odds that the father's no longer in the picture; or when I see a black man with a white woman, the thought "white prize" slips out sometimes before I'm even aware of it.

    I'm not proud of that part of myself; but I try very hard to be conscious and aware of it; and to teach my son to be better than that.

  27. I am against intolerable people

  28. yes....ive been cloned, mocked, singled out, hated, called stupid etc but that wont change the fact that God loves me..

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