
Is there any book that deals with or talks about human emotions and argues that they are useless.......?

by  |  earlier

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and only illusions our mind creates? if so please let me kno of the author and title. this is for my psychology class




  1. 5 people you meet in heaven/ tuesdays with maury.

  2. Hmmm.. I really found this question interesting, but I'm not sure how much I can help. The first thing that popped into my head was Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It deals with ALOT of ideas, but does have certain, somewhat unconventional, opinions about human emotions.

    "Rand rejects the mind-body dichotomy that is central to many philosophies and religions. She opposes the idea that the thoughts and achievements of the mind are pure and noble, but the desires of the body are base and immoral, and she presents Dagny as a character who also rejects the idea"


    In Atlas Shrugged, Dagny, as well as other characters such as Hank Rearden, are often accused of being emotionless.  This is because these characters believe that the emotions society says are normal and good are not rational and therefore useless.

    It's a big book and does not focus on this idea alone, but it's the only thing I can think of that deals with what you're asking.

    Hope I helped :]

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