
Is there any brand of fat free ranch salad dressing that doesn't taste nasty?

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Every kind of fat free ranch dressing I've tried tastes too tangy and not like ranch at all. Is there any brand that tastes more like full fat ranch?




  1. walden farms 0 calorie ranch

    sugar free

    fat free

    not too bad

  2. Why not make your own?  Get fat free mayo and fat free sour cream or yougurt and mix them together in a 50/50 ratio.  You can thin it down with a little skim milk or I guess you could use water.  Add 1/2 or whole package of dry ranch dressing mix (depending on how much you make).  I don't know if the dry dressing mix is fat free, but with the other ingredients being fat free or almost fat free, it surely wouldn't have much fat in it.  I make my own dressing using the dry and it is really good!

  3. well; its not fat free but it is light..

    the best one i have tried is "light done right" and i believe is from Kraft.

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