
Is there any capitalistic conspiracy behind this?

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Neither science nor philosophy can be without logic.

One unable to discern uniformity in diversity can never be logical.

Our children are taught in schools that there is no uniformity among things. Is it not misguiding the younger generation? Is there any capitalistic conspiracy behind this?




  1. I think, that whilst you are acknowledging the obvious.

    You are failing to recognise, the intent.

    "Uniformity in Diversity" and "No Uniformity",

    Are not being conjectured, purely upon the basis of "Capital Conspiracy", which is OBVIOUS

    However, the for INTENT to become clear. One must delve into, the circuits of Politics, Religion, Money and Capitalism.

  2. Undeniably. I have battled this last decade with arming my children with reason simply in order to dislodge the governmental curriculum of mind numbingly banal indoctrination

    Producing coursework as per requirement without the levy at the shrine of modern pseudo intellectual cause furtherer’s is a task that I seem to have accomplished quite well

    Children are expected to follow guidelines but if you have time to expend upon them teach them think and analyse positively unencumbered with modern socio political agendas and social antagonists.

    It’s quite fulfilling when you observe the growth of a mind that accords the teacher its due and respect for its task, whilst embellishing all produced work with ones traditional ethos and philosophy.

    I tend toward brain conditioning. This entails a subject matter and a formula of appraisal leading one to all possible conclusions surmising in ones one deduction mindful of why the held view differs from the opinion sought by the tutor.

    Early conditioning and training of the brain to think, rather than mass inculcation of information is preferable as it creates a mind able to think rationally.

    **Yes it is a governmental conspiracy. Goevrnment administrations are sneaky people outdone only be the media baron who controls their each manouvre. Armageddon.**

  3. No, a big NO! The teaching on the natural existence of everything substantiates the terrible diverse thing in each entity in the biodiversity of nature! For instance, flowers are so different in color, fragrance and in life too! The entire gamut of FLORA AND FAUNA has widest variation in each of the entity based on natural selection  and as to their fitness of survival! We the people are also diverse in many nature, though we can say simply: All are equal but all are different!

    While we did classify the NON-UNIFORMITY IN THE NATURE BY ITS OWN SELECTIVE DIVERSITY we insist for the the UNIFORMITY IN LIVELIHOOD FOR ALL THE PEOPLE TO MAKE THE LIFE HAPPY AND PEACEFUL FOR ALL OF US  with only one aim of relentless development for better life!

    Since the natural non-uniformity and as well the symmetry of living and non living things on Earth exist as natural diversity is well documented philosophical base of SCIENTIFIC INTERPRETATION OF THE WORLD IN ITS OWN ORDER OF EXISTENCE AND THERE IS NO CAPITALISTIC CONSPIRACY ON THE ABOVE!



    You are right, the children do not mind on the uniformity and the diversity in the teaching about anything!  BUT they do have their great uniformity in thinking that schooling means joyful with friends to play and chat with and the study means invariably boring and tiresome! No doubt they do exhibit their great diversity in nature by their individuality in knowledge and achievements!

  4. You are asking a question that is influenced solely by your own perception of the world, by what you have learned in your world. Remember everything that you have been told is only a theory, based on somebody elses ineterpretation of the truth. (Your paradigm of existance) Scientists and philosophers base their knowledge on what was discovered before them, and work towards finding the ultimate truth - they know they will never find it!!!

    Everything you have been told is a lie, unless you have personally experienced the truth.

    ps. Keep religion out of schools, at least 2 billion people in the world don't agree that your god is better than theirs.

  5. I don't understand what you mean by being taught that there is no uniformity....  In what way are children being taught that?  The question doesn't make sense.

  6. The child has a clear uncluttered mind and would therefore never get confused between uniformity and diversity, even if they are to be always found together!!

  7. Uniformity and diversity are not ideas, they are simple facts for which makes use in species study and naming, e.g. genetics. A capitalism is identified in a process for propertizing individual property for others, it is a family name for a species and cultural formation for individual role participation. The concepts in each capitalism may be identical, but notions in their beliefs are different.

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