
Is there any chance I could ever be in the military?

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I am a female and I have 2 genetic bone diseases. When I was a child I had to wear leg braces and had hip surgery to help correct my hip to some what of an extent. I would love to join the military, and if I could not be a soldier, my mom told me I could be a linguist or officer in the army. Is there any chance I could be accepted into the USA Military with my bone diseases?? My problem is I am rather short (5"3) I am at a healthy weight but not physically fit (but I plan to exercise) and the problem with my hip is when I was born the joint was oval shaped instead of circular, but the problem has almost fully corrected itself. Will the military accept a female with genetic bone diseases not necessarily for ground combat but in other military fields as well (I would love to become a mercenary but of course I know there is no chance)




  1. You would have to talk to a recuiter and go to MEPS (Military Entrance  Processing Stations) to take  physical and psych evaluations (required). There they will review your medical records and test you (walking on your knees, stretching, jumping, etc.) to see if you have spots that hurt you or if you are not able to do the tasks. if you look fit, your ailmants are healed and you can hold your own and are in good shape, you should be fine. contrary to belief women get in w/o a fuss, but if you have a problem it'll decrease your chances. just start working out. Run, lift weights, stretch. if any part of you is giving you a problem, ask your doc what you can do to get it fixed before you try signing up.

    Plus, height doesnt matter. alot of short people are in.

    Just worry about getting in shape. i.e.

    the Basic Physical Readyness Test consists of

    1) run 1 1/2 miles in under 11min (depending on age)

    2) 60 minimum sit ups and push ups

    3) 5 Pullups (Depending on Service)

    4) Flexability (Sit and Reach)

    Its not that bad so try it out. Go Talk to a recuiter in your area. He'll help you out.

  2. You don't say what the genetic bone diseases were. If it was Legg-Perthes, that is disqualifying.  

  3. no your medical history is disqualifying.  ALL servicemembers must meet the SAME physical standards, no matter what job they are in, including Officers.  

  4. If you are a nurse.  The military will even pay your student loans. If you can speak more than one language.

  5. I hope Im wrong and you get a chance to serve in the military as you wish. But, The military is very picky when it comes to those with possible health, or physical limitations. It is very Rare that the military would even consider anyone with any form of genetic diseases...

    The only thing that you can do is try and the worst that they can do is tell you no...Good Luck...

  6. The military will give you a physical. They will ask you what's wrong with you before you take it. If you tell them you are broke, they will not take you. Get what I'm saying... Good luck.  

  7. Well, the military has always been a bigot towards woman in general, even perfectly healthy ones. So, yes, I would say your chances are slim if you want to go out there on the field. There is, of course, other options that are closer to home you could try out.

  8. Hi. I don't know if people will come on here and respond in a mean manner and what not.

    Also if you can get a series of waivers and doctor statements and documents that you are capable of performing in the military and they pass then of course. Anything is possible, you just have to try and fight for it. I know many who have had hernias and gotten a waiver passed and made it. And other diseases of injuries.

    But if you are interested you can head to Im KJC88 there. if you post your question there we can provide professional Navy military help and respond to your question(s). Better than these Yahooians.

    See you over there and good luck.

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