
Is there any chance at all that Obama could have gotten the nomination?

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if we all weren't living in the age of the celebrity?




  1. No chance at all. The age group that swoons over celebrities can't really be counted on to get out and vote. They will surely let Obama down when he needs them come November.

  2. Nope.

    The young-lings are easily swayed by glitz and glamor.  

  3. Obama got the nomination because he ran one smart campaign

  4. No because back then black's were lucky to even be allowed to vote let alone run for office.

  5. Absolutely. Anyone who knocked off Hillary Clinton in the primary process is not to be trifled with. This is someone who has picked up a lot of political skills at a relatively young age.

    And how many politicians these days can get a reception like rock stars? It's nice to see someone, anyone, who can get people excited. Whether you want that person to be President is another story, but you have to like the passion that's been generated.

  6. Certainly not without the bands playing. Most kids have the attention span of a slug and would never attend a political rally if they had to listen to someone pontificate for hours.

  7. What exactly do you mean? "The age of the celebrity"? Can you explain what this means?

    Defined narrowly enough, the "age of the celebrity" has no bearing on politics. Defined broadly enough to include Obama, it would likely include American politics and most politicians as a whole. It seems to be the kind of empty phrase people brainwashed by a campaign's PR machine throw around in order to avoid any substantial issues. Unless you are less than serious with this question, you are a disgrace to democracy. Please stay away from a voting booth or an absentee ballot until you sort out what are real political issues and what is mindless nonsense.

  8. the media people hyped this guy

    into celebrity status

    otherwise he could have not gotten the nomination

    he has no track record

    nobody knows who he is or what he stands for

  9. Well, you have a good point.  What made him a celebrity was the youth of this country.  They found someone that took them seriously & played up to them by visiting their colleges & speaking to them in their type of language.  Then too, youth loves to do the opposite of what their parents would do!  They found a cause & he played it for all it was worth!  He promises a lot, but he can't deliver, this nation is in debt up to it's eyeballs, there is no money for the things he has promised to do & he knows it!  Let's hope the voters, come Nov. see it!

    I'm not going to vote for either of them, neither has a platform worth a tinkers!

  10. Yes, I believe he could have been.  He is very intelligent and has alot to say and people are listening.  Maybe you're not listening to him but to the media pundits who are bash him every chance they get.

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