
Is there any chance in h**l?

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Do you think there is ever any hope of a change of law or some court case which will will rule that people who are paying back Tax credit overpayments will no longer have to pay them back. Have we got a hope in h**l? I




  1. Are you anticipating going to h**l? Any i dont think there will be such chance for those who find themself there

  2. Anything is possible, but I'd guess unlikely, if you got money you weren't entitled to and are now having to pay it back.

    And that's probably the case no matter

    WHAT country you are in.

  3. NO cos its like stealing you see

    you have to pay back what you are not entitled to

  4. Well the rest of us are fed up of paying tax to pay for you lazy tax credit claimers so I hope not. Get a job!!!

  5. You should seek professional support from you local CAB in challenge this. There is no need for a change in the law as the rules already exist to stop over payments made from offical errors from being recovered.

    HMRC will not collect the overpayment while they consider whether you must pay it back. When you dispute recovery of an overpayment, HMRC will check whether they have met all their responsibilities towards you and whether you have met all your responsibilities towards them. They will then make a decision about whether the overpayment should be paid back. HMRC's responsibilities include:

    • accurately recording any information you gave them when you made or renewed your claim

    • accurately recording any information you gave them when you reported a change of circumstance and acting on it within 30 days of you reporting the change

    • accurately calculating and paying you your correct entitlement

    • including accurate information on your award notice

    • giving you correct advice if you contacted them.

    Your responsibilities include:

    • giving HMRC accurate information when you claimed tax credits

    • reporting any changes of circumstance in the timescales listed on the checklist which comes with your award notice

    • reporting any errors on your award notice within one month of receiving it

    • checking that your payments match the amounts on the award notice and reporting any errors.

    If HMRC have met all of their responsibilities but you haven't met yours, you'll normally be asked to pay back all of the overpayment.

    If you have met all of your responsibilities but HMRC haven't met theirs, you won’t be asked to pay back all of the overpayment.

    If both you and HMRC have failed to meet some of your responsibilities, HMRC may write off parts of an overpayment, depending on the circumstances.

    HMRC should send you their decision, along with the reasons for it, in writing.

  6. Ha ha. You have claimed too much benefit (ie: pretty similar to benefit fraud but a little more accidental) and you want to know if they'll let you keep it?

    Other people go to work to pay tax so you can have that money and you are complaining about paying back the part you weren't entitled to in the first place!


    Not a chance in h**l. Instead hopefully the govt will soon change and benefits will go back a few steps. Might be time to think about supporting yourself instead of relying on handouts.

    Edit: Arthur B  - tax credits aren't tax rebates. They are just a rather bizarre labour friendly name for social security benefits.

    Edit: Suga UK - I promise you I know how the tax credit system works. I'm CTA qualified so I'm pretty sure I'm well up to date on it! i'm not convinced you do however. They are benefits, that's it. It's not the best page but if you don't believe me you may want to have a look:

    I know the administration of the system isn't perfect, in fact I agree it's a nightmare. But it's not hard to keep yourself up to date on what you should be getting - there are plenty of online calculators etc. If you get more it seems obvious to me that someone would put the excess aside and not spend it ready for repayment?

    Cancel your sky plus and send back your new computer and nintendo ds and pay back the money - it is a shocker to be claiming benefits and paying for luxuries like that!

  7. Who in their right mind would claim these rebates, they cause untold worry to people, and just what is the point of taxing people and then employing thousands of people to organise  the repayments and then organise the repayment of the overpayments they make. It's totally insane and the only reason for it is to create non-jobs so that the unemployment figures don't look so bad.

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