
Is there any cheap but comfortable hotel that you can recommend?

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I'm going on a trip to Brazil but I'm short on cash. I'm planning to stay in Brasilia.




  1. Go to expedia and it will say the price range you want a hotel at.

  2. Last time there I stayed at the St. Paul.

    It´s not small, maybe 15 floors or so, and it was cheap.

    It belongs to a politician that was involved in some scandals (arent they all?), so it was sort of a bargain cause nobody wanted to stay there.

    It was a 4* hotel for 120 reais, which is USD 60,00.

    As far as location the hotels are all in the Hotel sector, so doesnt matter much.

  3. did you see the movie Touristas???

  4. Go to site:

    visit the yahoo brazil and question in litlle word with text: (alguém de Brasilia?)and question in english and wait answer.

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