
Is there any continent or country located inside the Antarctic Circle? If yes, what is it called?

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Is there any continent or country located inside the Antarctic Circle? If yes, what is it called?




  1. The Antarctic continent

  2. Carla, one continent is Antarctica. As for countries, I'm not quite sure if parts of Argentina and Chile, which is basically Tierra Del Fuego, are south of the Antarctic Circle. There are also some islands that are British dependencies, such as the South Sandwich Islands, S. Orkney Is., S. Shetland Is., etc. South Africa is 2 far north of the Antarctic Circle although it does have penguins. Australia & New Zealand are also north of it, although New Zealand does have glaciers - well, South Island, specifically.

  3. The Large mass of Ice in the Antartic circle is called the Antartic continent. There are no countries in this continent

    You can learn more about this in the following link

  4. Yes. Antarctica is in the Antarctic Circle.

  5. Yes, Antartica.  There is a land mass under all that ice.

  6. Antarctica is the 5th continent (size). It is larger than Australia and Europe. About 98% of it is located inside the Antarctic Circle (only the end of Antarctic Peninsula lays outside).  There are not countries in Antarctica. The population is only some scientists in specials stations.

  7. Antarctica

    The other two misspelled it, probably because they do not pronounce it correctly. Both c's should be heard.

  8. Antarctica

  9. Pelosiville.

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