
Is there any country in the world where people eat horse meat?

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Is there any country in the world where people eat horse meat?




  1. I know that Mongolia eats horse and drinks their milk.

    quite a bit of info on wiki as well

  2. I know Eastern Europe does it

  3. Unfortunately yes there is, in some places horse, eve dog and cat! is considered a delicacy, it's nasty if you ask me! I mean who eats dogs, cats and horses? That's just gross!

    I would murder the person who took her, if someone took my horse, any of them, I'd be all"She's mine, and your trespassing, so get off now or I'll get a gun!"

  4. Horse is commonly eaten in many countries in Europe and Asia. It is a taboo food in English-speaking countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, the US, and Australia; it is also taboo amongst the Romany people and in Brazil and India. Horse meat is not generally eaten in Spain, although the country exports horses both "on the hoof and on the hook" (i.e., live animals and slaughtered meat) for the French and Italian market; however, horse meat is consumed in some Latin American countries such as Mexico. It is illegal in some countries. In Tonga it is eaten nationally, similar to chicken in other countries.

    In many Muslim countries horse meat is generally forbidden or considered makruh, meaning it is not forbidden, but close to being such as 'detestable'. One reason given for its prohibition is the need for horses in military and other uses, and as such, considering the decline in usage of horses as in ages past, some consider its consumption permissible. Horse meat is eaten in some Muslim Central Asian countries with a tradition of nomadic pastoralism, e.g., Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. In other majority-Muslim countries there have been many instances, especially wars and famine, when horses were slaughtered and eaten.

    Canada slaughters an average of about 62,000 horses a year, of which about 25,000 come from the U.S., according to Agriculture Canada statistics. About 65,000 are slaughtered each year in the U.S. Horses hauled to the plants include race horses and ranch horses, wild horses and family horses.

    In Japan, where horse sashimi is a regional delicacy, only 735 of the 8,800 tonnes of horse meat imported last year came from the United States, Japan’s Agriculture Ministry said.


    Based on the best available evidence, Animal Aid conservatively estimates that around 2,000 race horses, who have not made the grade as racers, are killed in slaughterhouses every year.

    According to the Food Standards Agency, the numbers of horses slaughtered are as follows:

    2000: 6,110;

    2001: 8,224;

    2002: 8,284;

    2003: 6,727;

    2004: 5,464;

    2005: 4,944

  5. Mortadella

  6. France eats horse meat.

    I was reading your other responses and some of them said ' how can they eat a horse?' Well I am a complete animal love  but what I was getting at was that we americans keep cattle in horrible conditions. Little stalls that they can't even move in. And just because it is not our culture to eat horse meat doesn't mean that they are cruel. It is just unheard of.

    What about the culture that worships cows? Do they think that we are cruel for eating them?  yea most likely but we don't think that it wrong to eat cattle but wrong to eat a horse. It is just ours and their culture.

  7. There are a few countries where horse meat is considered a delicacy. I can't remember the exact countries, but they are in the Eastern Hemisphere (like Japan, China, etc.).

  8. Yes, in many countries horse meat is popular. It's common in most of Europe and Japan. The US is one of the few countries that doesn't eat horse meat, although it was occasionally seen in the past.

  9. holland and there are some other european countries sounds terrible but no different to us with our diet some of the colder climate people eat guineapigs princess mary has in-laws that eat dog. .

  10. i'm pretty sure its popular in eastern europe

  11. Mostly Asian countries eat horse meat... In France it can be found in supermarkets o.O I don't understand how anyone could eat such a majestic creature... but there you go... Also, quite a few European countries use it in meat dishes such as stews, I believe.

  12. a lot of the european countries eat horse :eg france

  13. I think it is a delicacy in canada

  14. France, Japan..

    interestingly enough I have a friend whose husband used to raise draft breed horses for exportation to Japanese horse meat market - the horses were shipped live.. they were extremely well taken care of once in Japan - groomed every day.. infact my friend said she was amazed - infact the horses were better cared for than we in North America, care for our food animals (she raises beef cattle)

  15. yeah i have heard of that and i think it is horrible!!! absolutely horrible!

    i would be soooo mad if they took my horses!!

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