
Is there any country runs soley on a monarchy"?

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i mean the british government has a fake monarchy...and i think spain and denmark do too...but what countries have an all out, no parliament, hardcore, real legit, monarchy?




  1. iraq and they are now changing that

  2. Saudi Arabia,Swaziland,and Brunei are some countries that have absolute monarchies.

  3. no one anymore. they are just kept there for traditional purposes. most of them don't so much as have any governing power or voice.

  4. Tonga - the new king has promised reforms though

  5. There are more Constitutional Monarchies than those three, but you are correct.  They are.  Monarch is a figurehead, with very little actual power.  In the case of Spain, Juan Carlos FORMED the monarchy that way.  He was placed on the throne with the plan (Franco's plan) that he would be as absolute as Franco had been.  He was trained overtly in that manner.  HE chose to modernize his country.

    As for Absolute Monarchies...I believe Saudi Arabia, and Brunei may be the only two left.


  6. swaziland  

  7. yes thats ur mum

  8. BRUNEI! But the king is very charming and nice XD!

  9. Monaco.

  10. The European Monarchies are Constitutional, with varying but very limited powers.

    The Pope is Head of State, Religious Leader, and Absolute Ruler of the Vatican (hence the term Ceasaro-Papism). He is Elected for life.

    King Fahad al Saud is an Absolute Monarch, as is the Sultan of Brunei, and a number of Himalayan Monarchs (Bhutan, Nepal, etc.).

    If the Dalai Lama wasn't in exile, he would probably be virtually Absolute Ruler of Tibet, identified by Reincarnation spotting monks.

  11. Here's Wiki......(I know, I know ....but it's pretty accurate)

    Many nations formerly with absolute monarchies, such as Morocco, have moved towards constitutional monarchies, although the monarch retains tremendous power.

    In Bhutan, the government moved from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy following planned parliamentary elections to the Tshogdu in 2003, and the election of a National Assembly in 2008.

    Nepal had several swings between constitutional rule and direct rule related to the Nepalese Civil War, the Maoist insurgency, and the 2001 Nepalese royal massacre. The Nepalese Monarchy was abolished on May 28, 2008.

    Unusually in a time when many nations are moving towards decreased monarchical power, Liechtenstein has moved towards expanding the power of the monarch; the Prince of Liechtenstein was given expanded powers after a referendum amending the Constitution of Liechtenstein in 2004.

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