
Is there any cure to jealousy?

by  |  earlier

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Im very jealous, possessive and insecure.. In all my relationships, I tend to be a jealous freak and even if my guy haven't done anything wrong. I have few of my relationships failed because of this.. Any ways to get over this?




  1. At some point you have to trust the relationship and just accept the possibility that you could get burned.

    I've been cheated on before, and that has given me some jealousy issues.  They always bug me, but I just have to choose to trust the girl I'm with.  (It is a conscious choice.)

    Good luck!

  2. Jealousy occurs when you feel insecure about yourself. So, the best way to go about this problem is to be more confident and always think you're the better person. Like, don't feel threatened that you are going to lose someone. Just think that even if you lose that person, it's not the end for you.

  3. i had the samething! and still do kinda. but yah its going to take time for the feeling to go away, but when you have a boyfriend just say hes with u for a reason!!

  4. Freud might say that we fear most in other what we may be capable of.

    You need to have trust in the person you are with because nothing can happen without him letting it. My girlfriend gets jealous and we talk out it, and she's the first to say that she knows it's unfounded, but it's because she doesn't want to loose me, but in the end, she trusts me, and that's what makes it work. Everyone gets jealous, but the difference from most is that we learn to just let it go and know it's just us being a little crazy.

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