
Is there any danger taking B12 supplements in early pregnancy?

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I just went vegan in June. I realize I probably should have started taking B12 supplements right away, but since I have always been very healthy I wasn't too concerned about it.

I had a positive home pregnancy test on Thursday, and I am probably only about 2.5 weeks pregnant. I can't even see a doctor until I am 2 weeks late and have another positive test.

In the meantime, I was going to go ahead and get a B12 supplement, but I read the label and it warned that pregnant women should not take any supplement without consulting a doctor.

Now I know it will probably be ok if I just wait a week and a half or two weeks until I can see a doctor, but I want to do everything right. Is it really dangerous to take a B12 supplement, or would it be more dangerous not to? Even exercise equipment warns you to consult a doctor, and of course I've never asked my doctor if it was ok to do ellipticals.




  1. Most of these labels are just CYA but why chance it.  A few weeks off b12 is not going to hurt you.

  2. B12 supplements are not really good to take either way, I can imagine especially during pregnancy. It is best to get it from food. It [supplements] can effect people differently though. Some foods to get from fortified cereals, fortified soy/rice milks, meat substitutes/soy analogs, some brands of fortified brewer's & nutritional yeast (such as Red Star & Twinlab). Sea vegetables like seaweed, dried nori, & spirulina, may contain vitamin B12, but their content varies and may be unreliable, lactic acid fermented products such as like tempeh, msio, beer & sauerkraut, but their content as well varies and may be unreliable. Marmite, & So Delicious Dairy Free Yogurt also contains B12 (Cyanocobalamin).

    Some sites:

  3. Technically, your body has enough B12 in reserves to last you for a few years of being a strict vegan.   I just started taking a B12 supplement and I'm breastfeeding, which the doctor said was completely safe.

    But, if you're like me, I'd rather wait and talk to the doctor.  I think you'll be just fine waiting a few more weeks so you can discuss it with your doctor.  I think you'll feel better asking first anyway.

  4. i think b supplements are recommended during pregnancy. i'm not pregnant, but i take b supplements and noticed this mentioned on the indications. vitamins cannot hurt. antibiotics are what we should worry about in such cases. but vitamins are just ok. besides, if there is a b vitamins surplus, nothing happens, it just gets eliminated in the urine... nothing to worry about at all.

  5. Stick with your pre-natals! They have enough B-12 for you and baby without that annoying warning. It most definitely is a CYA sign. Everyone else gave great advice too!

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