
Is there any difference between God and a big bully?

by Guest65275  |  earlier

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Is there any difference between God and a big bully?




  1. No God likes to torture and kill his own invention for having the flaws he made them with

  2. Yes.

    God is a supreme, divine presence. Uncomprehensable to the minds of men, he created the universe, everthing in it and in a act of incredible faith in his own creation, bestowed upon man the most precious of all gifts, freedom and free will.

    A big bully is a violent and unpredictable person who seeks to glean a facet of imaginary control over their petty lives by being intimidating and hurting people.

    I would say this is quite a large-ish differance. Hmm?

  3. God is God and big bully is you....

  4. Sure, so long as you accept the premise that God exists and created us.

    If so, we owe God something, it is reasonable to expect thanks from us for our creation.

    On the other hand, in my experience, I owe the big bully nothing but a slap in the face.

  5. one you can see one you can't!

  6. Yes, it's called free will.

  7. Many of your respondents indicate that they resent the hand of God upon their lives.  Suffering is a cosmic experience.  As a personal experience, it makes me more empathetic to others going through suffering and it draws me closer to God.  I'm thankful for God's hand in my life because He holds back untold suffering.  Evil has only as much power as God allows.  If God was not tempering the evil and suffering in this world it would be h**l.  It wouldn't be a safe place for anyone.  

  8. Are you serious? God is the greatest not a bully! God loves everyone bullys hate everyone. God doesnt make people feel bad and insecure god makes them feel wanted and loved. Bullys make people cry and bleed! God is the greatest.

  9. yes, big bullies really exist whereas God doesn't  

  10. well i like the first answer...

    if gos did exist, hed be a bully.

    but luckily, he doesnt so like.. were safe :)

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