
Is there any difference between loving someone and wanting to be with someone ?

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Is there any difference between loving someone and wanting to be with someone ?




  1. Yes. Wanting to be with someone can be a crush. Loving someone is more than that.  

  2. Firstly I'd say it would depend on how long you have been with that person. At the beginning I think you would want to be with that person but not love them (I don't believe in love at first sight, only lust at first sight because for me - you have to know the person properly to love them). So at the beginning, no. But later I think there isn't or shouldn't be a difference. If there is, that indicates a problem in the relationship. I would want to be with the one I loved no matter what and would make space in my life for them. I think this is true of everyone.  

  3. Yes, there definately is. At least there is for me. I have been dating the same guy for 8 months now, and I want to be with him, Im happy and I have no intentions on leaving and I would be upset if he left the relationship- but I am not in love with him. And he is not in love with me.

  4. Exactly what she said want is most time s a crush loving is much more.

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