
Is there any difference between word Climate or Weather?Explain Please.?

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Is there any difference between word Climate or Weather?Explain Please.?




  1. "Weather is a bunch of bizarre events that happens in the atmosphere all over the world. Climate helps you understand the weather in your own part of the world."

    Hope that helps :D

  2. Yes and the answer is rather simple. Climate refers to long term and weather refers to short term. Global warming refers to climate, and rain showers refer to weather

  3. weather is the current

    Climate is Spring,Winter,Autumn,fall.

  4. Climate is what you expect; weather is what you get.

    Mark Twain

  5. Simply stated:

    Climate is the long-term averages of weather conditions recorded.  Terms that describe climate include: tropical, sub-tropical, meditteranean, steppe, etc.

    Weather is the present happenings of atmospheric conditions.

  6. Climate and weather have very little to do with each other.  Climate is like a sub-topic in the word weather.

    Weather: Usually WHAT is happening

    1.the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.

    2.a strong wind or storm or strong winds and storms collectively: We've had some real weather this spring.

    3.a weathercast: The radio announcer will read the weather right after the commercial.

    4.Usually, weathers. changes or vicissitudes in one's lot or fortunes: She remained a good friend in all weathers.

    –verb (used with object) expose to the weather; dry, season, or otherwise affect by exposure to the air or atmosphere: to weather lumber before marketing it. discolor, disintegrate, or affect injuriously, as by the effects of weather: These crumbling stones have been weathered by the centuries. bear up against and come safely through (a storm, danger, trouble, etc.): to weather a severe illness.

    8.Nautical. (of a ship, mariner, etc.) to pass or sail to the windward of: to weather a cape.

    9.Architecture. to cause to slope, so as to shed water.

    –verb (used without object) undergo change, esp. discoloration or disintegration, as the result of exposure to atmospheric conditions. endure or resist exposure to the weather: a coat that weathers well. go or come safely through a storm, danger, trouble, etc. (usually fol. by through): It was a difficult time for her, but she weathered through beautifully.                           


    1.the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.

    2.a region or area characterized by a given climate: to move to a warm climate.

    3.the prevailing attitudes, standards, or environmental conditions of a group, period, or place: a climate of political unrest.

    Climate is never describing that it is raining.  It is saying that the climate is muggy and chilly or something.

    Hope this helps!!!

  7. Weather is a term used for Current condition, you might be talking about weather 2 days ago or weather in 2 days time but its always current weather at that time.

    Climate is more wide term which is made up of all these averages taken from weather.

    Climate of a certain place might be good while that days weather might be bad.

    Or Climate of Sahara desert might be bad but a certain days weather might be great.

  8. Yes, there's a difference.

    Weather is the current status of Precipitation, temperature etc. It's short-term and can be used to describe a day or two.

    Climate is long term, like, when you're talking about the climate for the whole year, you're talking about the weather variation of the period.


    I think that's what it is...

  9. There are four types of climate. (ONLY) Spring....winter....summer....autumn....

    And there are MANY types of weather.

  10. yes

  11. climate is basically the collective weather condition of a large area over a long period. Eg.,the climate of India is a monsoon type of climate.

    Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a specific time at any one place. eg., today's weather is very hot.

    Difference between weather and climate:

    a)Weather is changeable in nature.Climate does not change significantly.

    b)Weather is studied over a small ar.Climate is studied over a larger area.

    c)Weather takes into consideration the state of the atmosphere for a short period of time. Climate is the average weather condition over a much longer period.

  12. the weather is the overall temerature in the world.the climate is actually related to seasons like summer,winterand spring.

  13. If weather is the watch,then calender is the climate.

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