
Is there any difference taking Crestor or Lipitor medication?

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I am only 21 years old, female, 121 lb and for a year I have been having a little high cholesterol level. The doctor told me that it is unusual, and I kind of ignored it. Two months ago I did the test again and my cholesterol level was still the same. At first, I started taking 5mg Crestor and I kind of felt weak and thought maybe it was because of the pill. So I stopped taking them and avoided most of the high cholesterol foods even though it is so hard for someone at this age to limit their eating. (I know that I don't exercise much, especially lately) Just recently the doctor gave me Lipitor instead of Crestor because I told him that it didn't make me feel good. However, he gave me 10mg Lipitor when before he gave me 5mg Crestor. My question is there any difference between the two? I'm worried of the side effects that these pills can cause to me.




  1. The difference is that Crestor(rosuvastatin) is a stronger statin)

    than Lipitor(Atorvastatin).

    Side effects: muscle pain and muscle weakness and possible

    kidney damage. Some minor signs of this brown or dark urine.

    which can lead to Rhabdomyolysis, a major break down of

    muscle fiber. Find a health professional that can help you with your diet and natural ways to reduce your cholestrol, if that is necessary

  2. Firstly, different medicines have different effectiveness per mg, so it is not surprising that you are looking at different doses.

    Secondly, have you thought about changing your kind of eating?  If you eat more fruit and veg, oats and other sources of fibre, you will not want to eat so much of the foods that raise cholesterol.

    Thirdly, you can look up side-effects online.  If you think you've suffered side-effects, you most certainly should. Wikipedia is a good place to start.  I think you are right to be concerned about taking this kind of medication from such an early age.

    Fourthly, I don't think you should be getting medical advice from unqualified strangers. You may want to get a second or more expert medical opinion. Your health matters.

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