
Is there any evidence of Iran having WMD's?

by  |  earlier

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Or any evidence of them threatening the US or its allies?




  1. I don't know if they have them now, i'm not there but i do believe they have strong capabilities and yes, they have threatened the US and Israel!

    They just tested their rockets for goodness sakes with threats - what does that tell ya!

  2. were you asleep during the Iran Iraq war?

  3. This all sounds sooooooooooo familiar!


    Oh yeah, IRAQ!  How did that turn out?  

    I guess when you set the bar as low as

    not even having any evidence in the case

    with Iraq.  To Iran who is testing missles.

    At least we know they have good aim.

    I'd think that knowing your enemy won't

    accidentally blow your stuff up because of

    a bad aim is worse than one who can

    shoot straight.  Christians+Jews vs. Muslims.

    That is what this is about.  The world is going

    to sh** over relegious fanaticals with a

    historical grudge and progressively more

    powerful weapons.  Threatening eachother.

    Is anyone really suprised?

    -I didn't vote for him either time.

  4. WMD's?  No.  A nuclear enrichment program that could produce the most destructive weapon the planet?  Yes.

  5. im sure there is alot of 'evidence' being manufactured right now

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