
Is there any evidence or proof that there was once life on other planets?

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Is there any evidence or proof that there was once life on other planets?




  1. Life needs carbon and water a good temopertature and oxygen ... as far as we know....

    There have been many planets found thathave water or water vapor so there could be but no evidence was found

  2. there was actually a peice of meteorite retrieved in alaska that is from mars and they found evidence of microbial life in the rock. not to mention the basic eliments for life have been discovered in the soil on mars.

  3. No, but that does not mean there was not any. Over billions of years, if there was established life on other planets it would have been erased by the passage of time with no noticeable signs of existence left.

    Cheers !

  4. There is no real proof of anything in the physical universe, because we can never be certain about any aspect of it. We can only be certain of things inside specific, defined frameworks where we are allowed to have axioms.

    That said, the existence of life on Earth, combined with the existence of trillions of other stars and planets in the Universe, is strong evidence that at least some kind of other life exists out there somewhere.

  5. No, not at this time.

    When looking for life, scientists usually look for planets (or moons) with liquid water.  At this time we have discovered that there is frozen (and probably once liquid) water on Mars and that there is liquid water under the icy surface of one of Jupiter's moons (Europa), but we have no actual proof that there is or ever was life anywhere other than Earth.

    Keep in mind that we have only barely begun to scratch the proverbial surface when it comes to exploring the planets in our own solar system, let alone planets orbiting other stars.  Just because we have no proof of life elsewhere yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist--it just means that we haven't found it!

  6. Not that we have found so far.

    There is ongoing controversy about a meteorite found in the Allen Hills Antarctica that came originally from Mars.  Microscopic studies have revealed structures that may be evidence of life, but it is not yet confirmed.The meteorite is 4.5 billion years old, designated ALH84001.

    Aside from that, there is no evidence or proof so far of life of any kind on other worlds.

    Lots of theories, lots of "life may be possible" on this world or that one, but nothing definite.

  7. No. Only a raft of speculation.

  8. no

    (not yet)

  9. Hard to answer your question with that word "LIFE" sitting there...

    What do you call life? Is bacteria life? Is vegetation life? Are

    insects life? Are micro organisms like amoeba life?

    The only place we have been (manned space flight) other than our

    own planet is the Moon which is not a "PLANET." So, the direct

    answer by default is no. However, probes are now at work on Mars and a manned mission is in the planning stage right now, so a manned

    mission might occur within say 5 years. Who knows what they might turn up in the way of discoveries.

    I would "not" keep my fingers crossed for the discovery of other kids

    (with human characteristics) on some distant planet sitting at home watching TV and banging away on Game Boys just like us. What we find might turn out to be some kind of worm, or plant life.

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