
Is there any evidence that shows that the world will end in 2012?

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I know everyone is tired of these questions .... but I would like to know even though I don't think it will happen ... Is there any evidence showing that Nostradamus or anyone that predicted the end of the world will actually happen?




  1. 2012 is the end of the mayan calandar, not the end of the world. The mayans couldnt even predict thier own destruction, what makes people think they could predict the end of the world?

    The Bible says it best in reguards to the end times "NOONE will know the day or time......"

    Yes, there are some fairly respectable estimates of when the earth will be consumed by the sun, but we are talking billions of years. Even if a comet were headed straight for us, it would not mean we were all doomed. All kinds of scenerios could come into play.

  2. No !

  3. no, or it would be all over the telly!

  4. I just read the last twelve sentences in the Bible backwards and took the last words of each.  It says, "All Jesus soon here herein book water come come bright churches falsehoods."  I can't get 2012 out of that but for you Bible conspiracy freaks, the prediction actually is Dec 21, 2012 or 12, 21, 2012.  Add each of the 1and 2 pairs and multiply sum of each by the remaining singular 2 and you have...  OHH, spooky.

    Besides the Mayan calendar stopping on that day, the Bible code predicts that day. There are other sources that peg the end of the world around that time but not so precisely.  Supporters of the Bible code swear to its unerring accuracy.  They say it predicted the World Trade Center's destruction (after the fact) among other historical events.  The same algorithms run on any large book, such as Moby d**k, have also resulted in historically verified events and come up with predictions.  So what does that mean?

    Predictions are not provable until they come to pass so they are not evidence just speculation and really not worth the energy of serious consideration.  They are just fun to chat about at nerdy parties and the like.

  5. if you read the last word of each line from the end of the bible backwards, the last chapter deffo says "the earth will perish in the year two thousand and twelve"

  6. It could happen. Haven't seen/heard of any evidence myself yet though. Perhaps it will be a surprise.

  7. Well, I'm afraid I don't have evidence, but I hear a lot from my angels that it's a misconception. It isn't an ending, but a change. The earth's vibration is being raised and that's when it will take full effect.

    But I hear very strongly that the earth will NOT end in 2012.

  8. every generation creates its own unique theories regarding the end of the world

  9. Wushuboy.. is right. It's the end of the Mayan calendar. The end of the Age of Pisces and if I'm correct entering in the Age of Aquarius. The earth will continue to have bad weather until this transformation is complete, approximately 2012. I doubt the world will end but a shift in temperatures world wide seems inevitable.

  10. if u read the whole bible backwards u deserve a meddle but this may take a very long time so if u have not finnished ur reading by the year 2012 and the world did not end u will now something is very wrong

  11. I'm pretty sure Nostradamus predicted the world would end more than a hundred years ago.  So you have to ask yourself, since he apparently still kept predicting stuff would happen after the world ended - if he had that little faith in himself, why should you have more?

    No, the world is not going to end in 2012.  The only thing we know for sure is that the world will end in 5 billion years when the Sun becomes a red giant star, scorching the Earth.

    As the for the 'ages' thing - the Earth is constantly precessing.  It's just pointing in a different direction soon, but has been constantly moving that way for billions of years.  There is absolutely no reason this would have any effect on the Earth - no temperature changes, no storms, nothing.

  12. If the World were to end in 2012 i wouldnt be wasting my time going to school to graduate in 2010 dont belive that c**p!! Lol

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