
Is there any eye drops I can use to get rid of redness and is safe to use with contacts?

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Is there any eye drops I can use to get rid of redness and is safe to use with contacts?




  1. there's a visine for that

  2. I don't know of any that you can use while you have your contacs in.  The drops don't damage your eyes, but rather the contacs.  If you take them out first, you can use Visine for the redness and irritation.  Wait 5 or 10 minutes for it to work, next use normal saline drops for a quick rinse to be sure, then you can safely put the contacs back in.  (The Visine will be gone by then.)

    Hope this helps!   : )

  3. I have hard gas permeable contacts.

    Besides using contact lens solution every so often (Optimum by Lobob), I use Thera Tears.

    Thera Tears is supposed to be one of the best eye lubricants.

  4. You should not use Visine. It may relieve the redness, but won't cure what's making your eye red in the first place. Use any type of moisturizing drops, such as Refresh or Soothe. Be sure to take out your contacts first.

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