
Is there any financial assistance for water shed dams?

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I have a home I purchased in 2004 in Worcester County which has a dam on the property which has a wooden bridge on top of it which you cross to enter the property. The bridge was not in great condition when I purchased the home but it looks like it was repaired poorly in ways I didn't notice and has deteriorated very quickly. I am wondering now if it is almost to the point where it will fail causing distress for the plants and animals which live there. Is there any way to get assistance in fixing this dam since it is on my personal property? It is in the waterway in that it is a small pond which is fed by a larger pond and then feeds another pond. Also, who would I go to on how too fix it? It is a cement and rock dam bridge with a wooden top for cars to drive over.




  1. It really depends on what kind of water body the dam is located on.  No matter what though it sounds like you are going to need an environmental permit.  I live in NJ and work for a consulting engineering firm that does this kind of work.  Many states (like NJ) has dam comisisons which keep an eye on all the local dams and will be able to answer all of your questions.  

    Unfortunately, the repairs it needs sound costly from a permitting standpoint.  If it is on a river or even a small creek or brook you will probably need a Flood Hazard Area (formerly known as Stream Encroachment) permit to do work in the floodplain.  On top of that you will probably need a Freshwater Wetland General Permit #18 for Dam repairs.  You may even need a GP 17 for trails and boardwalks depenging on what kind of bridge is there.  Depending on what else is involved in the project you may need others as well.  It sounds like some kind of wetland permitting will be needed.  

    Again this is the NJ state regulations so I recommend going to your state DEP (department of environmental protection) and looking for a dam commission to aid you and get you the site specific information.  I hope this turns out well for you because what I have proposed on the permitting side is already a couple thousand dollars.  Good luck!

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