
Is there any food to avoid for ppl who are planning to get pregnant?

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Is there any food to avoid for ppl who are planning to get pregnant?




  1. yes u should avoid fast food. and caffine. just eat healthy lots of vegetables differnt colors always good.!!

  2. I just saw on the news last night that men should avoid soy.  It was on MSNBC on the news "ticker" at the bottom of the screen.  Here's the link to the full story.

  3. don't eat too much soy food.

  4. As mentioned previously, caffeine. I'm a coffee-holic, and having trouble cutting back. But that defintely affects your fertility.

    Hmm, well, all the foods that you like basically! ! :)

    Greasy foods,fast foods, maybe ask your Gyn about a nice diet to start!

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