
Is there any fossil evidence for the Nephilim?

by Guest60801  |  earlier

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Some explanations for what the Nephilim were can be found here:;_ylt=AvF2vq.92LBHj_s.GVKUaWLty6IX?qid=20070615113623AAjanoK




  1. A speculative research paper examining current evidence available on Neanderthal man with comparison to references in early manuscripts of the Nephilim an ancient race of half-breed humans. The argument is presented that the scientific facts verify that the Neanderthal were in fact one and the same as the ancient warrior race the Nephilim. It is here proposed that an examination of the evidence and facts currently available on Neanderthal man reveal that they could well have been a race of half-breed humans referred to in some of the earliest manuscripts found as the Nephilim.

    the web site has more details

  2. Well, there are australiopithicus, whom were anatomically human , but averaged about 6-7' tall (back in the day this was certainly considered gigantism), today it's not quite good enough to be a starter for the NBA. Since the average person, prior to about 1000AD was somewhere around 5' in height. In the last 1000 years we've collectively grown over 8 inches (for males).

    So as to what they are specifically, larger people, over 5'5" would have been considered special like taller men are today, but over 6'6" or so, you may start to experience

    height related problems, early onset arthritis, etc. So it's possible that's what you've got on hand.

    Otherwise, I've always found those passages some of the clearest indications of an intervention more like that of some sort of a series of Star Trek "away missions" gone bad, where agents from heaven got "involved" with the locals.

  3. Mark T, where do you get your information from? The entire genus Australopithecus was small, short and mostly of gracile anatomy, with their height ranging roughly from 3 to 4,5 feet. They also weren't "anatomically human", but were a mix of both primitive (closer to ape) and modern (closer to human) traits.

    Don't just invent facts.

    I also don't see how they pertain to the original question, as they had vanished long before they could have entered the collective memory of modern humans.

    To answer the questions of the asker:

    So your question was Is there any fossil evidence for the Nephilim?

    Well, no.There is fossil evidence and then there is interpretation of fossil evidence.

    Yes, Neanderhals and Humans coexisted for quite a long period of time, but the archaeological record still falls short in explaining how they relate and it is completely silent in shedding light on the social relations between these different populations. The debate over the topic has heated in the last 10-15 years with the onset of genetic research - really interesting stuff.

    However, I'd say it isn't really a scientific query to be posed in the light of archaeology. The Nephilim are a mythical race and paleoanthropology as well as Palaeolithic archaeology deals with hard facts - bones, artifacts, ecofacts and so on.

    Maybe such a question could be better explained in the light of the psychology of the collective unconscious; seeing that Neanders and Humans have coexisted, it is possible that myths about such races may well reflect our collective memory of that long forgotten time when there were more than one species or subspecies of hominids and we had contact with them. But you can't prove such claims with the archaeological record, though you can justify such a theory by them to an extent. But that's not science, just speculation.

    Quote: "???Why would you use a mammoth tooth to estimate the age of a neandertal's skeleton???"

    It says mammal, not mammoth.

    They used a dating method, ESR, to date the tooth itself. However, during the process of digging up the bones, the tooth was found in the same context as the bones, meaning very close to each other and in the same stratum, which led the diggers to the conclusion that they were buried at the same time - so if you know how old the tooth is, then you probably know the age of the bones.

    Hybrids of Neanderthals and Humans may have been possible, but such evidence is still inconclusive: Child.pdf

  4. To be honest about the point right now; I do not know. I also seem to notice that what is asserted, is not necessarily fact (even by 'scientists').

    I will readily admit Nephilim is not my past or present focus in this life.

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