
Is there any g*y camps for young teens?

by  |  earlier

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im 14, and ive been g*y for a long time and ive been beaten up and called cruel words, i just want to be with others like me




  1. You don't say where you are located so it is difficult to answer. I know there are camps for g*y youth in the western part of Canada.

  2. I'd say look it up with a local lgbt youth center they sometimes sponsor camps. If not more often they young g*y and L*****n organizations you can join to be with others like yourself.

  3. I don't think there are camps where g*y people go to meet other g**s. The only g*y camps that I know of are places that mentally torture homosexuals and scare them into living their life as a straight person. You could wait a while and go to g*y clubs/ bars when you're old enough. Until then, maybe just change the people that you associate with/ are anywhere near.


    Well, after reading the other answers, I guess there are in some places. I didn't know about them, though. I'd suggest what the other guy said and look it up on the internet. There may be some in your area, or not too far from.

  4. i dont think so... im sorry for u man

  5. I don't think that there would be a g*y camp for teens, simply because that seems to be promoting teen relationships, and it excludes straight teens. Imagine a Straight Teens Camp, where hetero boys and girls go around just being straight. See how that would never happen?

    I think there might be a g*y-Straight Alliance (GSA) program for teens, but summer is almost over, and school will be starting soon for you.

    You're 14, so you should be going into highschool, right? Tolerance for g**s in highschool is higher, since there are so many more people that you don't stick out quite as much. Also, the people in high school are older and smarter, so you probably won't get picked on as much. Most school have a GSA afterschool club which you can join. If not, you can always ask the administrator of your school to establish one.

    I hope you don't lose hope in being friends with  straight people. Not all of us are cruel, ignorant people. :)))

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