
Is there any good catcher drills that i can do with no equitment?

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Is there any good catcher drills that i can do with no equitment?




  1. i am a catcher and these are the drills i do in the off season to stay in shape. i use a regular barbell and squat maybe 50 or 60 not to do heavy lifting just to squat if u have no weights just hold in position for like 5-10 mins. to help with blocking the ball, get some tennis balls and have someone bounce them to the right, left or right down the strengthen ur arm stretch out like 90 ft backing up 5 feet every 2 throws.

  2. throwing down people at 2nd base or 3rd base

  3. 1.  Take up time ~  How long it takes you to catch the ball, get to your throwing position and release the throw.  You can never be too quick with this.  Takes a lot of practice.  Have someone time you with a stop watch when you first start, re-time once a week.  Write them down so you can see your progress.

    2.  Throwing footwork to all 3 bases ~ Have someone throw you a ball, work on quick feet, the correct steps and make those throws.  Time your self on these, from the time the pitch hits your glove, until ball is caught at the base.  Record these also, once a week.

    3.  Framing pitches ~ Have someone throw you a pitch from 15-20 feet away, easy, not hard.  Have them throw with their throwing knee on the ground.  Work on getting your glove around the ball, under the ball and on top of the ball, catching it soft and bringing it in, up, or down smoothly.

    4.  Catching pop flies ~ Have someone hit pop flies for you to catch.  These are tough for catchers, as the ball rotation causes the ball to come back towards the field.  Unlike any other position, you must turn around, put your back to the infield.

    5.  Tagging runners ~ Stand at the plate and have someone throw you balls to make tags on phantom runners.

    6  Fielding bunts in front of home plate and throwing to all three bases ~ Have someone roll a ball out in front of the plate, cooe out and field the ball, set your feet and make a throw.  Work on throwing to all three bases.

    Every team needs catchers.  You can never have too many.  It is a very valuable skill to possess.  If you are serious about catching, think about investing in some gear of your own.  

    The number one skill for a catcher to have is the ability to block pitches in the dirt.  You need gear to work on this skill safely.

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck to you.


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